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Which Character Set?
Problems with multilanguage

Comments on Which Character Set?


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Posted Feb 08, 2007 - 7:14 AM:

I'm happy to have member access now as I just bought my WSNlinks wink

I don't understand this utf-8 or latin-1 thing.
I want to use only english right now, but later in time it might also be german, spanish etc. - so, all languages i need should work with latin1

In phpmyadmin i set my new database with the default setting of latin, but now i have read somewhere here in the forumsm, that wsnlinks uses uft-8 by default?
I have read an interesting article about that stuff here (Uups, it's in german, so not for the main part reading this, sorry):
This article tells me that
-i should defne the charset always to the special needed case, so to latin1 in my case, not to utf-8
-i should define all tables to e.g. latin5 only where neccessary
-define only tables as utf-8 which are really needed to be in many languages
All of this i think because utf-8 has it's characters with variable length, which might result in problems..

Now, my main problems are 2 things:

-DO I have to fit/change my database character set to utf-8, or can/should i just leave it as is (well, there's nothing in yet, so i can recreate if neccessary)

-It happened to me now with my settings, that i created a category with german Umlauts in it, and it displayed correctly, as long as the user has set language selector to German. As sson as I set it to Englsih(or fullenglish), it will be displayed wrong (wrong charset), as sth like | .
That shouldn't be, as display of these signs should also be possible in english settings, why should it use another character set or so??
Can u help out? I also tried to create a new mysql-database charset with utf-8, but that was the same problem..

A side question:
I had installed the previewversion (multilang), and one time installed it showed English and German(incomplete) as languages, the other time (parallel nstall of everything), it showed fullenglish, English and German(incomplete) , also to users on frontend.
So what's the difference between English and fullenglish, and why did it one time show both and one time it didn't?

btw: I have tried and tried to get member access via Opera (9.02)to the forum, also accepting all cookies, but I won't stay logged in. If i enter name & pass, it will say i am logged in now, but then, I'm still not logged in on the coming up pages.


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Posted Feb 08, 2007 - 8:18 PM:

The character set for the language is controlled by your language pack. Admin->Customizations->Language search for the item named charset. The mysql character set can affect category name rewriting when it's wrong, but latin1_german1_ci would work for german.

-DO I have to fit/change my database character set to utf-8

Only use utf-8 if you need utf-8 characters. I gather you don't.

As sson as I set it to Englsih(or fullenglish), it will be displayed wrong (wrong charset), as sth like | .

That's because the english language pack has it set to something that doesn't include those characters. You can edit it if you want. Again it has nothing to do with mysql, it's the HTML header.

So what's the difference between English and fullenglish

None, delete the fullenglish copy. Will check on it.

Try clearing cookies for your login issue. (No problems for me in Opera 9.10.)

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Posted Feb 09, 2007 - 7:03 PM:

I'm not getting the extra language on setup, so I don't know how it happened for you.

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Posted Feb 10, 2007 - 10:23 AM:

I also don't know howe it has happended. Now since I deleted, it stays deleted and no errors.

I did not get the charset thing exactly.
If it depends on the html header, why should it be wrong charset and display some chars wrong? I thought the variable up there works fine?
But anyhow, since I installed the v.14 it seems to work.
hope it will in future.



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Posted Feb 10, 2007 - 3:27 PM:

, why should it be wrong charset

Because it's what you have set in the language pack. Since I don't speak any other languages I have no familiarity with what character sets they use. http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/charset.html#doc-char-set

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Posted Feb 10, 2007 - 5:27 PM:

I have set nothing concerning charsets in the language pack.
Now if I look in the german.lng, I do understand what u mean. But I did not await to set sth, as there was no info about that would be neccessary. Well, as it seems, it is not, as that charset works for me now wink (and ISO-8859-1 should usually be the right one)
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