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Comments/Review Trouble
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Comments on Comments/Review Trouble

z fisher

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Posted Jan 07, 2007 - 1:39 PM:

I recently upgraded to 4.0.9. I've gone around checking the functionality to make sure I haven't screwed anything up. Comments seem to be a problem.

I've made sure that the Member user group is set to allow comments.

When I went to try to leave a review and click on the "Reviews" (which used to go to a comments page) it brings me to the details page instead of the comments form. Is this working correctly?

I also notice that the displaylink.tpl file has the following at line 130 which is different from the syntax in my old version.

Any ideas why this isn't working?

<IF {SWITCH_COMMENTS}><a href="{LINKTHREADURL}"><img src="templates/default/images/linktools_comments.gif" border="0" alt="Comments"> Reviews (<IF {LINKCOMMENTSREAD}>{LINKNUMCOMMENTS}<OTHERWISE><b>{LINKNUMCOMMENTS}</b></IF>)</a></IF>
z fisher

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Posted Jan 07, 2007 - 8:00 PM:

Okay, so I figured out a work around. If I set the switch Combine Comments and Details pages I can see the comments on the details pages and add them.

I toggled back to see if that solved the problem and it didn't. When the Combine Comment and Details page is deselected, clicking on Reviews brings me to the details page with no form. I still can't get to just a comments page.

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Posted Jan 09, 2007 - 7:23 PM:

If you combine details and comments then you'll be taken to a combined page. If you don't, then clicking "reviews" goes to comments.php?id={LINKID}, the comments-only page. To end up on the links page, I guess you must have done something odd with url rewriting.
z fisher

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Posted Jan 10, 2007 - 2:04 PM:

I didn't do anything odd with URL rewriting on purpose. smiling face

First, I'll check through the "stock" templates and compare them to see if I have anything odd going on.

I've got some other strange stuff going on: for instance if I'm in a link and I've already voted on something, after it tells me I can't vote on the link it takes me to what seems like a random category instead of back to the category I started at. I'll poke around the templates and the rewriting code to see if anything looks bad.

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Posted Jan 11, 2007 - 4:00 PM:

I have the same problem after upgrading ..

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Posted Jan 12, 2007 - 5:17 AM:

Tell me what settings to use to reproduce this, or at least post your admin/diagnostic.php output.
z fisher

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Posted Jan 12, 2007 - 7:36 AM:


I haven't changed any setting to create the problem. It appeared to be there when I upgraded.

As I stated, if I combine comments and details, the program correctly puts the comments section on the bottom of the details page.

However, if I leave that switch set at no, the "Reviews" link just goes to the details page instead of to the comments page.

Here's a link to the text output from the diagnostics.php


I posted a bit of code from the template in my first post above. The variable in the 4.0.9 default displaylinks template {LINKTHREADURL} is different from the code in 3.4.6 version of the default displaylinks template (comments.php?id={LINKID}). I don't know how the variables changed from version to version so it's not clear what impact this may have on the problem.

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Posted Jan 12, 2007 - 12:56 PM:

It's quite obvious the new variable {LINKTHREADURL} has not been properly activated in the new versions. Replacing it with comments.php?id={LINKID} works fine here ..
z fisher

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Posted Jan 12, 2007 - 9:11 PM:

I tried to make the same change, replace {LINKTHREADURL} with comments.php?id={LINKID}, and it made no difference. The link still leads to the Details page. The URL displayed when I mouse over the Detail link and the Review link is identical.

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#10 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 13, 2007 - 6:33 AM:

I applied the sql so I have the same settings now. Went to a reviews page, posted a comment, nothing's wrong. You don't seem to be doing URL rewriting either. (Are you actually doing rewriting? Could be the diagnostic doesn't work right, as I've only tried it once before.)

I've attached the default 'show links in category' template I'm using, which gives very different urls for details and comments. Do you somehow get different links when actually using the default template? That's only the case if comments and details are integrated.

Attached Files:
z fisher

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#11 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 13, 2007 - 10:37 AM:

I reloaded the default template (the whole directory provided by 4.0.9), regenerated everything just for giggles, made sure comments was on, but Combine Details and Comments off (I'll leave this off for a day or so, so you can see it) and then looked at the site (I'll leave it this way for a few days) and I'm still getting the link pointing to the details page.

Yes, I have SEO enabled (see screen below)

SEO Screenshot

I'm using the default .htaccess file (renamed to .htaccess, of course) modified only to point to the wsnlinks directory. I've made a copy of that file below.

htaccess text

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#12 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 13, 2007 - 7:04 PM:

I see it now, a URL rewriting fix to WSN Forum caused a bug in it for WSN Links. Fixed in 4.0.11.
z fisher

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#13 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 14, 2007 - 7:14 AM:

Great! Thanks for your help and patience, Paul.
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