I tried couple of times to upgrade from 3.4.2 to 4.0.7, I also checked out Manual, but still no success.
I want to test the upgrade before upgrading the live site.
#1. Upload all 4.0.7 files to a sub-directory. #2. change htaccess.txt to .htaccess #3. upload the old config.php, but I got a blank page when I ran the upgrade.php. -- so upload the new config.php with the correct info (3.4.2 DB info, correct URL). #3. I ran upgrade.php, and got the following SQL errors.
-------------------------- Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/*********/wsnlinks407/databases/mysql.php on line 19
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/*********/wsnlinks407/databases/mysql.php on line 19
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/*********/wsnlinks407/databases/mysql.php on line 19
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/*********/wsnlinks407/databases/mysql.php on line 19 ----------------------------------------------
Did you chmoded everything right? And i have a similar problem when i upgraded i don't know why but when i use transfer queue in smart ftp the files isn't right when transfered so i transfer file one by one onto the server. Maybe thats the problem how did you transfer files on to your server?
If you use a 4.x config.php with a 3.x database, naturally you won't be able to upgrade. And naturally 3.x config.php gives you errors with 4.x files, prior to upgrade, since that's what the upgrade is for. Please follow the instructions in readme.html instead of inventing your own.
OK, i followed the exact steps in readme.html, but I'll get a blank page if I run upgrade.
#1 Upload to overwrite all files except /templates/ and /integration/ directories and config.php. #2 Overwrite the default template and keep the old stylesheet. #3 Set to true in upgrade.php to allow upgrading without being logged in #4 Run upgrade.
I use auto-detect to upload all php and image files, I tried upload files on CuteFTP and FlashFTP and I tried different browsers, but all failed.
I have been trying to upgrade the site to the latest version for the last couple of days, but still no luck.
The only times I've seen upgrade.php be blank it's been because someone had their config.php moved to some other directory, and the upgrade overwrote the specification of where it was. I suppose it's also possible if the config.php is somehow indecipherable but I don't see how that could be. This is upgrade.php before clicking upgrade that's blank, or after? If after, check the debug box.
The config.php is in the root directory where the script resides, I also double check the content of config.php, its the same one as in 3.4.2.
If I go to ..../setup.php, I can see the content of page such as license agreement. If I go to .../upgrade.php, nothing there, it is a completely blank page, no any button or text.
Have you chequed inside each directory to see if all the files were uploaded?
When uploading I use to go inside each directory and upload all from them because sometimes FTP programs fails uploading all the files specially from the deep directories.
Also to be shure you have all the templates of the actual version and in order not to overwrire yours you can use FTP configuration of 'File Overwrite Settings: Skip' (or simmilar) for uploading into your customized set of templates directory.
As I replied, I can't say much when you don't even tell me your url, and if you want the upgrade done for you then you can purchase the upgrade service.
if ($getgoing) $template = new template("admin/upgrade2.tpl"); else $template = new template("admin/upgrade1.tpl");
For security reason, I have renamed the admin folder on my 3.4.2 site, and I was too experienced , so I changed the name of admin folder on upgrade.php before upgrading, then I got a blank upgrade page.
I guess this considers to be a little bug on upgrade.php.
Never, ever rename template locations. It offers zero security benefit and will naturally break all sorts of things.
There's also zero security benefit to renaming your admin panel directory (which is not the same as the /templates/default/admin templates directory being used in your quoted code), since it's exactly as easy for a hacker to hijack/destroy your site with a user-side file, the name changing option exists for people whose website control panels conflict with the directory name.
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Comments on Can't upgrade to 4.07
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I tried couple of times to upgrade from 3.4.2 to 4.0.7, I also checked out Manual, but still no success.
I want to test the upgrade before upgrading the live site.
#1. Upload all 4.0.7 files to a sub-directory.
#2. change htaccess.txt to .htaccess
#3. upload the old config.php, but I got a blank page when I ran the upgrade.php.
-- so upload the new config.php with the correct info (3.4.2 DB info, correct URL).
#3. I ran upgrade.php, and got the following SQL errors.
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/*********/wsnlinks407/databases/mysql.php on line 19
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/*********/wsnlinks407/databases/mysql.php on line 19
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/*********/wsnlinks407/databases/mysql.php on line 19
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/*********/wsnlinks407/databases/mysql.php on line 19
Any idea how I can do to get the upgrade done?
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Did you chmoded everything right? And i have a similar problem when i upgraded i don't know why but when i use transfer queue in smart ftp the files isn't right when transfered so i transfer file one by one onto the server. Maybe thats the problem how did you transfer files on to your server?
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I removed all files and reupload again, and chmod some files that describe in the readme.html, but I still get the same errors.
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in what mode did you upload your file asci or binary?
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If you use a 4.x config.php with a 3.x database, naturally you won't be able to upgrade. And naturally 3.x config.php gives you errors with 4.x files, prior to upgrade, since that's what the upgrade is for. Please follow the instructions in readme.html instead of inventing your own.
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OK, i followed the exact steps in readme.html, but I'll get a blank page if I run upgrade.
#1 Upload to overwrite all files except /templates/ and /integration/ directories and config.php.
#2 Overwrite the default template and keep the old stylesheet.
#3 Set to true in upgrade.php to allow upgrading without being logged in
#4 Run upgrade.
I use auto-detect to upload all php and image files, I tried upload files on CuteFTP and FlashFTP and I tried different browsers, but all failed.
I have been trying to upgrade the site to the latest version for the last couple of days, but still no luck.
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The only times I've seen upgrade.php be blank it's been because someone had their config.php moved to some other directory, and the upgrade overwrote the specification of where it was. I suppose it's also possible if the config.php is somehow indecipherable but I don't see how that could be. This is upgrade.php before clicking upgrade that's blank, or after? If after, check the debug box.
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The config.php is in the root directory where the script resides, I also double check the content of config.php, its the same one as in 3.4.2.
If I go to ..../setup.php, I can see the content of page such as license agreement.
If I go to .../upgrade.php, nothing there, it is a completely blank page, no any button or text.
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Paul: why I don't get support for this? I also dropped an email to you a couple of days ago, but I am still waiting for your reply.
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Have you chequed inside each directory to see if all the files were uploaded?
When uploading I use to go inside each directory and upload all from them because sometimes FTP programs fails uploading all the files specially from the deep directories.
Also to be shure you have all the templates of the actual version and in order not to overwrire yours you can use FTP configuration of
'File Overwrite Settings: Skip' (or simmilar) for uploading into your customized set of templates directory.
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As I replied, I can't say much when you don't even tell me your url, and if you want the upgrade done for you then you can purchase the upgrade service.
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I found out what happened.
Here is a few codes from upgrade.php.
else $template = new template("admin/upgrade1.tpl");
For security reason, I have renamed the admin folder on my 3.4.2 site, and I was too experienced
I guess this considers to be a little bug on upgrade.php.
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Never, ever rename template locations. It offers zero security benefit and will naturally break all sorts of things.
There's also zero security benefit to renaming your admin panel directory (which is not the same as the /templates/default/admin templates directory being used in your quoted code), since it's exactly as easy for a hacker to hijack/destroy your site with a user-side file, the name changing option exists for people whose website control panels conflict with the directory name.