In an earlier (test) installation of an earlier version of wsn links it seemed I had all the bugs (on my end ) worked out of the Sponsored/Featured Links - with PayPal payments all worked out. Once a link was paid for - wsnlinks and paypal's dev sandbox would automatically change it to a featured link - and the funds etc. would be in the database.
Ok so now the installation is on a live server - still using the sandbox for testing ... [Currently using Version 4.0.5 of wsn links] but having trouble ....
After exhaustive changes/testing - going through all the Manual and posts etc re-paypal integration - sponsored links etc. Not all is well ...
It seems that the database does not get updated - the link doesn't change into a featured link - but the all of paypal back end part seems to work fine ... payments going through etc.
Inserted email notifcation into paypal.php and receive back notification [Test of IPN] the paypal.php file was accessed. As well as [Debug info from sponsorship purchase]
Paypal.php [$sandbox = true;] and uncommented the debug info line ..
Have messed around with pretty much everything - but I must be missing "something" ???
As for the Buy Now button -
Tried my best to change/modify in hopes of "getting action"
Inserted the notify url directly into the BuyNow code [not encrypted]
?? Not sure about these - Sometimes I see them as name="item_number" value="{SPONSORITEM1}" and sometimes I see name="item_number" value="{SPONSORITEM1}"
Sometimes I see name="amount" value="{SPONSORCHARGE1}" and sometimes I see name="amount" value="1"
Not sure which is best to use - I haven't seen it make a difference in results.
I also have done a fresh install -[not upgrade] with just what was necessary to work towards getting featured links to work - but still no luck.
Is anyone else having trouble similar to mine - ? Any suggestions ? Areas to focus ? Thanks to all in advance.
<IF {LINKFUNDS}><p>You have ${LINKFUNDS} in funds remaining.</p></IF>
<p>You may purchase priority positioning for "{LINKTITLE}" at a rate of USD ${SPONSORCHARGE1} per <IF {SPONSORUSEPPC} is yes>click<ELSE><IF {FEEDURATION} is 1>day<ELSE>{FEEDURATION} days</IF></IF>. Click the 'buy now' button to purchase whatever length of sponsorship you wish.</p>
<IF {SPONSORBONUSCUTOFF}><p>If your sponsorship purchase totals more than ${SPONSORBONUSCUTOFF}, you will be credited with an additional bonus of {SPONSORBONUSPERCENT}% of your deposit.</p></IF>
<IF {CHECKOUTNUM}> <form method="post" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="sid" value="{CHECKOUTNUM}"> <input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="{SPONSORITEM1}"> Purchase <input type="text" size="3" maxsize="4" name="quantity" value="1"> <IF {SPONSORDURATION} is 1>days<ELSE>group of {SPONSORDURATION} days</IF> of sponsorship <INPUT type="submit" value="Click to pay through 2CheckOut"> </form> Inc (Ohio, USA) is an authorized reseller for [your name here]. </IF>
Thanks Paul ! Ok - All is good now ! Everything works fine ... Happy Happy Days !!!
Sponsored links - now take care of themselves - etc and database updates .. Thanks for the e-mail confirming what the settings should be ..
I was using the Buy Now button generator from Paypal - ( as I wanted to insert some additional variables) and then inserting that code above the buy now button code that you had supplied. ( My mistake - somehow I was figuring based on the look of the Paypal buynow button generator page that your code was strictly for e-mail use etc. As when paypal generates the code they give two examples - one for web page insertion and another for e-mails . Completely my fault. I guess the [ if paypalemail part ] hooked me.) Oooops !!
One thing I did notice that if [ In Sponsorship Settings: ]
[Maximum sponsored links of each level to display per category ]
... is set to say: (3) or ( 5) or whatever number - if by way of adding more sponsored/featured submissions - then those submissions drop off the radar ... and aren't seen in the category anywhere ... unless the sort order is changed possibly ..then they may show in the sponsored links - depending ...
any thoughts on that ? or suggestions as to how to have some sort of warning in your workflow ? so that it doesn't happen that you might accidentally try to insert too many links into the featured space ...
..was thinking of some solution so that you wouldn't need to manually check each category to see if it has reached its "limit" of sponsored/featured links?
thanks again for pointing me in the right direction ...
If you're limiting to 3 sponsored links shown, the way that I think would make the most sense is to select to sort sponsors randomly so they rotate through. It would be better to have an option to show them as non-sponsored when they're not in the shown group, but I can't think of a way to do that at the moment.
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Comments on Featured Links - Paypal
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Ok I give up:
In an earlier (test) installation of an earlier version of wsn links it seemed I had all the bugs (on my end ) worked out of the Sponsored/Featured Links - with PayPal payments all worked out.
Once a link was paid for - wsnlinks and paypal's dev sandbox would automatically change it to a featured link - and the funds etc. would be in the database.
Ok so now the installation is on a live server - still using the sandbox for testing ... [Currently using Version 4.0.5 of wsn links] but having trouble ....
After exhaustive changes/testing - going through all the Manual and posts etc re-paypal integration - sponsored links etc. Not all is well ...
It seems that the database does not get updated - the link doesn't change into a featured link - but the all of paypal back end part seems to work fine ... payments going through etc.
Inserted email notifcation into paypal.php and receive back notification [Test of IPN] the paypal.php file was accessed.
As well as [Debug info from sponsorship purchase]
Paypal.php [$sandbox = true;] and uncommented the debug info line ..
Have messed around with pretty much everything - but I must be missing "something" ???
As for the Buy Now button -
Tried my best to change/modify in hopes of "getting action"
Inserted the notify url directly into the BuyNow code [not encrypted]
?? Not sure about these - Sometimes I see them as name="item_number" value="{SPONSORITEM1}"
and sometimes I see name="item_number" value="{SPONSORITEM1}"
Sometimes I see name="amount" value="{SPONSORCHARGE1}" and sometimes I see name="amount" value="1"
Not sure which is best to use - I haven't seen it make a difference in results.
I also have done a fresh install -[not upgrade] with just what was necessary to work towards getting featured links to work - but still no luck.
Is anyone else having trouble similar to mine - ? Any suggestions ? Areas to focus ? Thanks to all in advance.
Paul - I know I must be missing something !
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Did you edit the template for the sandbox? I tested again and it still works for me... for the sandbox I have this template:
and the attached screenshot settings.
Attached Files:
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Thanks Paul ! Ok - All is good now !
Sponsored links - now take care of themselves - etc and database updates .. Thanks for the e-mail confirming what the settings should be ..
I was using the Buy Now button generator from Paypal - ( as I wanted to insert some additional variables) and then inserting that code above the buy now button code that you had supplied. ( My mistake - somehow I was figuring based on the look of the Paypal buynow button generator page that your code was strictly for e-mail use etc. As when paypal generates the code they give two examples - one for web page insertion and another for e-mails . Completely my fault. I guess the [ if paypalemail part ] hooked me.) Oooops !!
One thing I did notice that if [ In Sponsorship Settings: ]
[Maximum sponsored links of each level to display per category ]
... is set to say: (3) or ( 5) or whatever number - if by way of adding more sponsored/featured submissions - then those submissions drop off the radar ... and aren't seen in the category anywhere ... unless the sort order is changed possibly ..then they may show in the sponsored links - depending ...
any thoughts on that ? or suggestions as to how to have some sort of warning in your workflow ? so that it doesn't happen that you might accidentally try to insert too many links into the featured space ...
..was thinking of some solution so that you wouldn't need to manually check each category to see if it has reached its "limit" of sponsored/featured links?
thanks again for pointing me in the right direction ...
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If you're limiting to 3 sponsored links shown, the way that I think would make the most sense is to select to sort sponsors randomly so they rotate through. It would be better to have an option to show them as non-sponsored when they're not in the shown group, but I can't think of a way to do that at the moment.