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Forum Regular

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 09, 2004
Location: Chile

Total Topics: 172
Total Comments: 462
Posted Nov 04, 2006 - 5:34 PM:

I would like to use the "options" functionality of the {COMMENTMESSAGE} at the searchcomments.tpl, but I do not find how to make the it work correctly.

For all the following alternatives I have the same result
{COMMENTMESSAGE[120 <,> docode]}
{COMMENTMESSAGE[120 <,> remove]}

Result example:
"Mi comment text and :D:no::nono::rolleyes::D [b]bold text[/b]"

The code for the smilies and for WSN Codes are always shown and
I cannot remove them or let them show correctly.

** EDIT:

I confirm my mistake on writting "docode" when it should be plural "docodes".
Also the space before and after the <,> is necessary.

{COMMENTMESSAGE[120 <,> remove]} Seems not to be working.


Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Nov 07, 2006 - 8:31 PM:

Fixed in 4.0.5.
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