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payment for link sponsorships
updating the link?

Comments on payment for link sponsorships

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Posted Oct 04, 2006 - 8:20 AM:

I am trying to implement Paypal subscriptions for link sponsorships. I set up the Sandbox and have made several successful payments.

I read https://www.webmastersite.net/forums/thread/5067 (ancient as it may be) and noticed the following info:
No, it does the deductions for all links at once so it's just once every 24 hours from an essentially random point.

So I noticed that when I made my first successful payment, the link type changed and funds were added about 12 hours later. Is this the way it's supposed to work (as with deductions)??

Also wanted to ask:
If ad Admin changes the value for "Expiration", does that affect the sponsorship funds remaining?

Likewise, is the Expiration calculated from the remaining funds?


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Posted Oct 05, 2006 - 11:38 AM:

The funds are added as soon as paypal approves the payment and calls paypal.php.

The only "expiration" setting I recall has nothing whatsoever to do with sponsorship, which is why it's not on the sponsorship page.
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Posted Oct 05, 2006 - 11:57 AM:

For "expiration", I had that confused with {LINKFUNDSPROJECTION}. My mistake.

OK, so if the funds aren't added immediately, there is a problem. I've been reading over the forum postings when you were first developing the Paypal integration, and I've placed lines in paypal.php that e-mail me when the file is accessed and e-mail me all the payment details when it is successful.

I've made 5 successful payments (with emails sent to me after) but only one has actually forced a link type sponsorship...

I'll keep trying...


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Posted Oct 05, 2006 - 5:27 PM:

Did you set the $debug=1 line to get debug info emailed?
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Posted Oct 05, 2006 - 7:04 PM:

As recommended in that old thread, I added

first line of the file:
mail("my@email", "TESTING PAYPAL.PHP ACCESS", "The paypal.php file was accessed.", "From: default@email");

and the end of the file:
$debug = 1;
if ($debug) mail("my@email", "Debug info from sponsorship purchase", "linkid is $linkid , payment amount is $payment_gross
", "From: default@email");

I get both e-mails. I am thinking that I may need to edit the POSTBACK variables to include all the extra subscription fields. But on the Paypal side the payment processes without a problem, so WSN should recognize the funds....
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Joined: Aug 07, 2006
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Posted Oct 06, 2006 - 6:09 AM:

Sorry for wasting your time....

Somewhere along the line I removed the "item_number" field, so WSN didn't know what the new link type was supposed to be. Seems to be working fine now.
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