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2296 vs. joshberm
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Comments on 2296 vs. joshberm

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Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 07, 2006
Location: Tampa, Florida

Total Topics: 36
Total Comments: 91
Posted Aug 27, 2006 - 7:06 PM:

I'd like be able to transfer ownership of a link by inputting the new owner's e-mail rather than their ID#. Is this possible? In my Edit Links template, I changed this:

<td class="labelscolumn"><span class="labels">Owner ID#:</span><br>Current owner is {MEMBERNAME}.</td>
<td class="optionscolumn"><input type="text" name="ownerid" size="5" value="{LINKOWNERID}"></td>

to this:

<td class="labelscolumn"><span class="labels">Owner E-mail:</span><br>Current owner is {LINKOWNERNAME}.</td>
<td class="optionscolumn"><input type="text" name="ownername" size="{STANDARDLENGTH}" value="{LINKOWNERNAME}"></td>

It seems to update - the new owner shows up if you reload the Edit page. But actual ownership does not seem to change. But the new owner does not gain editing priveliges over the link....

Am I doing something wrong?

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Aug 30, 2006 - 12:42 PM:

I don't see any documentation suggesting that you're supposed to be able to do that, nor any code to do it, so I gather it's not possible.
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Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 07, 2006
Location: Tampa, Florida

Total Topics: 36
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Posted Aug 30, 2006 - 1:28 PM:

It would save the administrator the extra step of looking up the Member ID when transferring ownership.

Seems natural that you should be able to update ownership using OWNERNAME as well as OWNERID.
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