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Custom Attachment field and <IF>..
Having problems to use <IF> ...<OTHERWISE>

Comments on Custom Attachment field and <IF>..


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Joined: Aug 30, 2006
Location: Greece

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Posted Aug 30, 2006 - 3:52 AM:


I added a custom field for image. I can show the image at the link's details page using:
<img border="0" src="attachments/{LINKATTACHPHOTONAME}">
but when a link dosen't has a photo appears a broken image block (that's normal).

When I tried to use conditionals, started my hell. I started with use of:
<img border="0" src="attachments/{LINKATTACHPHOTO1NAME}">
Nothing..... again the broken image.

Gaves me output ...
<IF {LINKATTACHPHOTOKB} is greater than 0>
<img border="0" src="attachments/{LINKATTACHPHOTO1NAME}">
Gaves me ....0?>"...
<img border="0" src="attachments/{LINKATTACHPHOTO1NAME}">
Nothing..... again the broken image.
Then I started using <OTHERWISE> ...
What happened? I was getting both outputs included between:
..... I was getting this
..... I was getting also this...

Is anybody who can say me how to display the custom field <LINKATTACHPHOTO> but only if the user has uploaded a photo?


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Posted Aug 30, 2006 - 9:40 PM:

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