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E-Mail doesn't send automatically.
not sure whats going on but its not working.

Comments on E-Mail doesn't send automatically.

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Posted Aug 27, 2006 - 2:09 AM:


On the 'E-mail Preferences' its set to 'Yes' for 'Send confirmation email to user when they submit a link'. The 'email_confirmbody' and 'email_confirmsubject' are there and never been deleted.

I tried for twice to suggest a link but no email were sent to confirm the submissions. I also checked my spam foler, but nothing there, however, I received emails on Yahoo and Gmail when the link were rejected. So, i think the sent mail function and my email have no problem.

It was working before, but it doesn't now.

Any idea where I should check.

One more confusion, on the display_links page, I see the the detail url of each link is something like ....../links/Some_Site_Titile-XXX.html, but when I click on it, it directs to the URL ...../comments.php?id=XXX , which is not SEO friendly.

Is it possible to keep the detail url SEO friendly like ....../links/Some_Site_Titile-XXX.html ? or where I can set it?



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Posted Aug 27, 2006 - 1:28 PM:

Are you submitting as admin? It only sends the email if the link is pending, not if it's autovalidated.

when I click on it, it directs to the URL

You're combining details and comments. The only way to eliminate the redirect is to change your htaccess to send the details to the comments.
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Posted Aug 28, 2006 - 12:51 AM:

It is not auto-validated, otherwise, I wouldn't receive the reject email and I dont even see the pending link in the admin panel.

I tried again as the end-user to suggest a link before this post, I still can't receive the confirmation email but reject email.

It was working before. after the server was hacked and I reuploaded the default language file, then I found out it's stopped working recently.

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Posted Aug 31, 2006 - 1:05 PM:

http://links.webmastersite.net runs the current version and I've just turned on that email preference. It sends me a "Your link submission is pending review" email.
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Posted Aug 31, 2006 - 9:19 PM:

I also upgraded to the latest ver. 3.4.2, and replaced all files except config.php and default template, but it still doesn't work.

I also check the E-mail Logs, there is no such email sending out. I did not modify the script except the template files. i m totally confused now

What's the field name for the E-mail Preferences, 'Send confirmation email to user when they submit a link'? I want to check it in the database if its set to 'Yes' or not.

Another problem, the contact form email doesn't send to my email address. On the 'System Configuration', I already set an Administrator e-mail, but how can I receive email that is sent by contact form?


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Joined: May 24, 2006

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Posted Sep 01, 2006 - 9:38 AM:

You probably don't have a sendmail client running or configured in your php.ini
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