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comments not working

Comments on comments not working


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Posted Aug 19, 2006 - 8:54 AM:

I first posted this on the wsnforum board (https://www.webmastersite.net/forums/threads/Edit_... ) I have just noticed that the comments on the wsn links aren't working either

They were originally working and I'm not sure exactly when they stopped - possibly when I upgraded to 3.4.1????

When you go to post a comment to a link you cannot click on the edit box. Same as with the forum - cannot post at all. I have now had to close the forum because of it.

Site is http://www.thedogscene.co.uk

[edit] I just checked and the last post on the forum was on 13th August. I upgraded to 3.4.1 on that same day. Coincidence?


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Posted Aug 21, 2006 - 5:49 AM:

I've upgraded the demo to 3.4.1. The page works fine, though there appears to be no WYSIWYG on it. Will see if I can get the WYSIWYG showing tomorrow.

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Posted Aug 21, 2006 - 6:07 PM:

I was looking for the way to post comments on links on the demo and couldn't find it. Nor on my site either, but I have comments switch turned on. Where can I find it or turn it on fully? I'm running MySQL 4 too.

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Posted Aug 21, 2006 - 6:47 PM:

I was looking for the way to post comments on links on the demo and couldn't find it.

Click on any of the reviews threads, like http://www.wsnforum.com/linksuserdemo/thread/1048

To submit links, you click 'submit link'.

Seems selecting WYSIWYG mode does break it in the demo, but works fine on my local copy, which makes no sense. I'll try re-upgrading.

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Posted Aug 21, 2006 - 7:41 PM:

Okay, this has nothing to do with WYSIWYG but on trying to post a comment in the demo (but not on localhost) I get "Duplicate entry '0' for key 1" in the debug output and the comment never gets recorded.

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Posted Aug 22, 2006 - 12:17 AM:

Paul wrote:
Okay, this has nothing to do with WYSIWYG but on trying to post a comment in the demo (but not on localhost) I get "Duplicate entry Ɔ' for key 1" in the debug output and the comment never gets recorded.

If it is possible to switch off the WYSIWYG easily how do I do that? At least I can open the board as I am getting complaints that it is shut.


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Posted Aug 22, 2006 - 7:59 AM:

I fixed my duplicate entry problem by re-adding autoincriment in phpmyadmin, no idea how it'd vanished. I now find that the demo works with WYSIWYG in Firefox, but only in the plain mode in Opera. Please try it and report if it's like your site.

If it is possible to switch off the WYSIWYG easily how do I do that?

Not especially easily unfortunately. Remove the option from the profile, registration and comments template, then UPDATE wsnforum_members SET posteditor='plain';

I'll add a global WYSIWYG switch.

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Posted Aug 22, 2006 - 8:45 AM:

I fixed my duplicate entry problem by re-adding autoincriment in phpmyadmin, no idea how it'd vanished. I now find that the demo works with WYSIWYG in Firefox, but only in the plain mode in Opera. Please try it and report if it's like your site.

I tried to reply to your post but had to switch to plain editor. WYSIWYG does not work on your site either yet

Unfortunately I do not understand how to re-add autoincriment in phpmyadmin. Could you please explain how this is done to a poor dumb blonde ;-)

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Posted Aug 22, 2006 - 3:59 PM:

Paul, any chance the repair tables admin feature can fix that table setting?

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#10 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 23, 2006 - 7:31 AM:

babrees, what browser are you using? If you can't post in firefox, what are you doing differently from me?

Paul, any chance the repair tables admin feature can fix that table setting?

No, it doesn't. I have no reason to believe there's anything wrong for anyone but my demo, though -- I haven't seen it on my other sites. If you can submit posts with the plain editor, it's not your problem. But you can go to phpmyadmin, click the wsnlinks_comments table, click the edit button for the 'id' field and select 'auto incriment' in the extras area if it's not there.

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#11 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 23, 2006 - 8:17 AM:

Paul wrote:
babrees, what browser are you using? If you can't post in firefox, what are you doing differently from me?

I'm using IE 6. Funny enough I can use WYSIWYG on this site now. It just seems to have been that one time previously I couldn't

If you can submit posts with the plain editor, it's not your problem. But you can go to phpmyadmin, click the wsnlinks_comments table, click the edit button for the 'id' field and select 'auto incriment' in the extras area if it's not there.

I shall try that now.

[edit] 'auto incriment' was already there, in both links and forum.

[edit] just downloaded firefox and went to my site using that - I still can't post a comment in links or the forum


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#12 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 24, 2006 - 5:08 AM:

In order to get it up and running I have simply changed those members who had in their profile postedit=wysiwyg to plain, made the default registration plain and removed the choice from the forms.

Hopefully though this problem can get sorted in the near future.

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#13 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 24, 2006 - 7:28 AM:

Okay, if you can't post in firefox you need to give me a process of what you're doing. There's obviously something different. For example, are you guest or admin or regular member?

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#14 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Aug 24, 2006 - 8:13 AM:

Hi Paul

I'm logged in as admin.

I think this is going to be the proverbial needle in a haystack. As you are busy trying to get v4.00 out, and the plain situation I have just enforced seems to be working ok, perhaps we should about forget this for the time being. Once you have V.4 out I shall upgrade and it may then just right itself (with any luck!!!!). If not then perhaps we can look at it again.

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