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Few errors

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Usergroup: Member
Joined: Jun 11, 2006

Total Topics: 15
Total Comments: 55
Posted Jul 23, 2006 - 6:07 PM:

I think I can solve alot of the errors if I could change the user that is ruuning the site like instead of nobody I wanna use vhosts. I got an error when I tried to edit the members images area.

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/vhosts/wwwroot/showyour.com/photoswap/classes/database.php on line 108

I also go an error whe I tried to add an image to a comment on a post:

Warning: Illegal offset type in /home/vhosts/wwwroot/showyour.com/photoswap/classes/category.php on line 70

Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/vhosts/wwwroot/showyour.com/photoswap/classes/database.php on line 94

Anu ideas?


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Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Jul 24, 2006 - 1:00 PM:


Usergroup: Member
Joined: Jun 11, 2006

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Posted Nov 19, 2006 - 2:02 PM:

Is there just a way to run as user "vhosts" instead of "nobody"? I don't think it's going to be major debugging. I can set it in Server CP to run as "nobody" but then alot of other stuff starts to go nuts since "nobody" does not have the correct permissions. Notice the watermark.png I uploaded is user and group nobody. I think this where my watermarking issues are coming from (it's all about permissions).

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Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Nov 19, 2006 - 2:52 PM:

Putting PHP in safe mode should make it run as your FTP user, I believe, but I've no idea if that's "vhosts". That doesn't matter and has nothing to do with anything here though. I obviously can't help you if you ignore my post and refuse to post the debug.
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