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Conditionals Syntax Question
how to specify empty text string?

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Posted Jul 15, 2006 - 2:42 AM:

Hi, I'm trying to create a condition where it checks if the text string variable is empty, like this:

<IF {MYCUSTOMVAR} is emptystring>
<img src="templates/default/images/image1.png"
<img src="templates/default/images/{MYCUSTOMVAR}.png"

So, if there is nothing in the custom text field (empty text string) it displays image1.png. Otherwise - it displays file specified in the custom text field.

What is the proper syntax for this like: <IF {MYCUSTOMVAR} is emptystring> (what to put insead of emptystring)?

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Posted Jul 16, 2006 - 8:09 PM:

I understand that you can use:

<img src="templates/default/images/{MYCUSTOMVAR}.png"
<img src="templates/default/images/image1.png"

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Feb 07, 2005

Total Topics: 3
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Posted Jul 16, 2006 - 8:48 PM:

It works! Thanks, peumus!!!
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