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Problem Posting Links
Problem Posting Links - Access?

Comments on Problem Posting Links


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: May 24, 2006
Location: Tampa, Florida

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Total Comments: 9
Posted Jun 16, 2006 - 9:47 AM:


I just upgraded from the preview version to 3.3.19. It seemed to have been working properly, however now when any account, including the admin account submits a link, it jumps to the noaccess.tpl page and will not accept the submission.

There are so many configuration options, I am thinking that I looked over the solution to the problem...hoping it is something easy.

I even created a new category (after upgrading) and a new "Member" and still I get the no access message. Has anyone had this problem before?

Great program, by the way. Really powerful!

Thanks to all,
- Dude

p.s. unfortunately, I am using the software on an intranet and you can't see it. I hope this isn't a problem. I am attaching my suggestlink.tpl and my suggest.php files

Attached Files:
Forum Regular

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: May 11, 2003

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Posted Jun 16, 2006 - 10:32 AM:

try looking through the usergroup permissions in your admin. I don't know which version you used before, but maybe a lot of settings have been changed and usergroups have been set so they're not able to view the site ??

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: May 24, 2006
Location: Tampa, Florida

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Posted Jun 16, 2006 - 11:05 AM:

I looked into that and have tried several different combinations...and the admin config has everything checked. I pasted both below.

I tried to decipher the suggest.php file...but being somewhat of a php novice, I couldn't follow it too well.

I can hardcode the suggest.php to skip whatever is causing this (not worried at all about security) but I don't know how

I just don't want every user to be able to edit other users' stuff.

Usergroup ID#2
Name Style (CSS class):
Display on 'Leaders' page?

Can view site?
Can upload attachments?
Can download attached files?
Can report links/comments?
Can hard-delete items?
Can set custom member rank title?
Can mark PMs as important?
Is an administrator?
Can use: HTML Search PM system
Can view: IP addresses Link votes Deleted items Invisible Members Moderator log
Can rate: Links Comments
Can alias: Links Categories
Can email: Links Other members
Can edit own: Links Categories Comments Profile
Can edit all: Links Categories Comments Profiles Full details? (rating, views, etc) Link votes
Can hide own: Links Categories Comments
Can hide all: Links Categories Comments
Can delete own: Links Categories Comments Member Account
Can delete all: Links Categories Comments Members
Can submit: Links Categories Comments
Require validation of: Links Categories Comments Link Edits Attachments

Attachments per link:
Attachments per comment:
Attachments per PM:
Number of PMs allowed: stored, sent per day
Number of aliases allowed if aliasing enabled:
Number of links submissions allowed: total, per day
Total bytes allowed:


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: May 24, 2006
Location: Tampa, Florida

Total Topics: 3
Total Comments: 9
Posted Jun 16, 2006 - 11:06 AM:

OK, the paste of the user config didn't work...sorry

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: May 24, 2006
Location: Tampa, Florida

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Total Comments: 9
Posted Jun 16, 2006 - 11:21 AM:

I just uploaded the "stock" suggest template and it was able to submit a link for both the admin and users with no problems...when I use my customized template...it goes right to the noaccess.tpl.

What did I do to the suggestlink template that would cause this? It's attached.

Thanks again,
- Dude

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: May 24, 2006
Location: Tampa, Florida

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Posted Jun 16, 2006 - 12:49 PM:

I uploaded the "stock" submit template and started over. Works fine now. I must have deleted something out of the one that didn't work raised eyebrow

Works fine now! Thanks.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: May 24, 2006
Location: Tampa, Florida

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Posted Jun 20, 2006 - 10:20 AM:

This issue just will not go away. I have uploaded the stock submitlink.tpl and edited it 3 times now. Every time I do it, it allows me to submit 2 or 3 links and then, on all subsequent submission attempts, it take me to a noaccess.tpl page.

Does anyone have any idea why this would be happening? Has this happened to anyone else?

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: May 24, 2006
Location: Tampa, Florida

Total Topics: 3
Total Comments: 9
Posted Jun 22, 2006 - 8:45 AM:

Issue resolved.
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