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importer.php problem
- not adding all fields

Comments on importer.php problem


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Posted Jun 08, 2006 - 7:50 AM:

I snagged the latest version of importer.php.

When I use importer.php, it imports the links but doesn't pull in all fields.

With the following importer.php file and importlinks.txt file, it correctly pulls in the URL, email, cat id, and link type. However, it won't pull in the Title, Description, or Recip URL for any of the links.

In the importer.php config, I use a hard break for the $linksep.

########## begin importer.php ############

require 'start.php';
// Flat file database import script for WSN Links

// Place this file in the WSN Links directory

/* Configure this section to your needs */

$filename = 'importlinks.txt'; // put the name of the database file here

$linksep = '
'; // Please identify the unique character sequence which separates link entries in the file
$fieldsep = '|'; // Please identify the unique character sequence which separates fields in each link

$titleloc = '0'; // The number, counding from left to right starting at ZERO of the term where the link title appears within each link line
$urlloc = '1'; // # of the term where the link URL appears within each link line
$descriploc = '2'; // # of the term where the link description appears within each link line
$votesloc = ''; // # of the term where the link's total number of votes appears within each link line
$sumofvotesloc = ''; // # of the term where the link's total number of vote values appears within each link line
$ratingloc = ''; // # of the term where the link rating appears within each link line
$reciploc = '3'; // # of the term where the link reciprocal URL appears within each link line
$hitsoutloc = ''; // # of the term where the link hits out appears within each link line
$hitsinloc = ''; // # of the term where the link hits in appears within each link line
$catidloc = '4'; // # of the term where the link's category id number appears within each link line
$emailloc = '5'; // # of the term where the email address of the link submitter appears within each link line
$typeloc = '6'; // # of the term where the link type of this link appears within each link line

//$hardcodecategory = ''; // fill this in with a category id if you want to make all links be added to a particular category instead of specifying the category id for each link

/* End configuration section */

$thefile = fileread($filename);

$linkdata = explode($linksep, $thefile);
$num = sizeof($linkdata);
for ($x=0; $x<$num; $x++)
$linkline = explode($fieldsep, $linkdata[$x]);
$thislink = new onelink('blank', 'blank');
$thislink->validated = 1;
$thislink->hide = 'no';
$thislink->time = time();
if ($typeloc) $thislink->type = $linkline[$typeloc];
if (!$thislink->type) $thislink->type = 'regular';
if ($emailloc) $thislink->email = $linkline[$emailloc];
if ($titleloc) $thislink->title = $linkline[$titleloc];
if ($urlloc) $thislink->url = $linkline[$urlloc];
if ($hitsoutloc) $thislink->hits = $linkline[$hitsoutloc];
if ($hitsinloc) $thislink->hitsin = $linkline[$hitsinloc];
if ($ratingloc) $thislink->rating = $linkline[$ratingloc];
if ($votesloc) $thislink->votes = $linkline[$votesloc];
if ($sumofvotesloc) $thislink->sumofvotes = $linkline[$sumofvotesloc];
if ($recipurlloc) $thislink->recipurl = $linkline[$reciploc];
if ($descriptionloc) $thislink->description = $linkline[$descriploc];
if ($hardcodecategory) $thislink->catid = $hardcodecategory;
else $thislink->catid = $linkline[$catidloc];
if ($thislink->catid < 1) die ("A bad category id (less than 1) was entered");
echo "Adding link <a href=". $thislink->url .">". $thislink->title ."</a> to category #". $thislink->catid ."... ";
if (!(isduplicate($url, 'soft')) && ($settings->checkfordupdomain == 'no' || !(isduplicate($url, 'hard')))) $thislink->add();

echo "<p>Done importing.</p>";

########### end importer.php #############

*********** begin importlinks.txt *********

Fred|http://www.yofred.com/|descrip of fred...|http://www.yofred.com/links.htm|4|fred@yofred.com|recip
Ethel|http://www.yoethel.com/|descrip of ethel...||1|ethel@yoethel.com|regular

******** end importlinks.txt **************

Here's what I get in the browser when I call importer.php:

Adding link to category #4... Adding link to category #1... A bad category id (less than 1) was entered

Any idea what could be wrong?

Many thanks for any thoughts smiling face

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Posted Jun 09, 2006 - 4:21 AM:

Does anyone have any idea? I really need this to work. Thanks smiling face

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Posted Jun 09, 2006 - 3:20 PM:

Your data file doesn't have a seperator between title and URL.

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Posted Jun 09, 2006 - 3:35 PM:

Sorry....it's missing in the demo data in the thread, but it's in the real flatfile:

Fred |http://www.yofred.com/|descrip of fred... http://www.yofred.com/links.htm|4|fred@yofred.com|recip
Ethel |http://www.yoethel.com/|descrip of ethel...||1|ethel@yoethel.com|regular


I just tried the real file again...with the separator in place....and I got the following message:

Adding link to category #26... Adding link to category #15... A bad category id (less than 1) was entered

The links were added as mentioned but only certain fields were imported, the others were skipped. Things are the same as first mentioned.

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Posted Jun 11, 2006 - 7:35 AM:


Edited in Win but running in Linux - does this make a difference related to the hard break?

In the following thread:


...you mentioned that a hard return for the linksep could just be like this:

$linksep = '
'; // Please identify the unique character sequence which separates link entries in the file

so long as it is edited and created on the same OS.

However, I edit in Windows but I run scripts in Linux.

So....now the question is how would you represent a hard return that is first edited in Win but intended to be run on Linux?

Thanks smiling face

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Posted Jun 11, 2006 - 8:07 AM:

Another issue that I'm finding is that importer.php isn't really factoring in duplicate links.

I read somewhere that importer.php would not add a link if it found a dupe. Is that right?

However, at least with my mixed results above, the script will continue to add a domain even if dupes are in the db.

In wsn config:

"Check for duplicate URLs on submission? YES"
"Dissallow any reuse of the same domain name? YES"

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Posted Jun 11, 2006 - 8:57 AM:

I just tried making the first line in the link file just a hard return and start the link data on the second line on down, but no luck.

I also added further fields to the flatfile and moved data to those fields because I noticed that it's importer.php seems to be skipping the same field numbers. It worked for one field, but not the others that I tried. (I also changed the field values in importer.php to point to the new locations). Why would it grab data from some fields but skip others?

Believe it or not, the importer.php capability was the main reason I purchased the script.

Got my fingers crossed that I can get this working. Any help is MOST appreciated smiling face

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Posted Jun 12, 2006 - 12:28 PM:

Adding link to category #26... Adding link to category #15... A bad category id (less than 1) was entered

Since you only have two links in your data file, isn't that proper? The "bad category" message probably means you've got a trailing line break.

so long as it is edited and created on the same OS.

However, I edit in Windows but I run scripts in Linux.

That means you're editing and creating in Windows, presumably, unless you like to ssh into the server and edit the data file in vi.

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Posted Jun 12, 2006 - 12:36 PM:

scanreg wrote:
Fred |http://www.yofred.com/|descrip of fred... http://www.yofred.com/links.htm|4|fred@yofred.com|recip
Ethel |http://www.yoethel.com/|descrip of ethel...||1|ethel@yoethel.com|regular

Now you've got two links on the same line (that being why I presumed in the post above that you only had 2 links, since there are two lines). If a line break is your separator, you have to use it between all links.

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#10 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jun 12, 2006 - 1:38 PM:

Hi Paul

I don't understand what I'm missing.

In my windows text editor (www.pspad.com), I show two lines:

Line 1:
Fred |http://www.yofred.com/|descrip of fred... |http://www.yofred.com/links.htm|4|fred@yofred.com|recip 

Line 2:
Ethel |http://www.yoethel.com/|descrip of ethel...||1|ethel@yoethel.com|regular 

...that results in this:

Fred |http://www.yofred.com/|descrip of fred... |http://www.yofred.com/links.htm|4|fred@yofred.com|recip 
Ethel |http://www.yoethel.com/|descrip of ethel...||1|ethel@yoethel.com|regular

I put each row of link data on its own line by simply hitting the Enter key once after each line (except the last line):

DATA FOR LINK 1 (click enter key here to start new line)

then save...

In the importer.php config, I used the same "click enter key" once for the $linksep variable - a hard return:

$linksep = '

What else should I be doing? I wish there were a full-blown example for users who create/edit using a windows text editor but who then upload the files to their linux website.

As mentioned in my emails, I'd be totally happy paying for a working solution. It would save me tons of lost time.

I'd be happy to pay you to put together a working example that matches my situation. Please let me know as soon as you can. I'd love to start putting your very nice link system to work, but I need the importer able to handle the following flatfile:

Site 1|http://www.mysite1.com/|descrip of Site 1|http://www.mysite1.com/links/|26|info@mysite1.com|recip
Site 2|http://www.mysite2.com/|descrip of Site 2|http://www.mysite2.com/links/|14|info@mysite2.com|regular
Site 3|http://www.mysite3.com/|descrip of Site 3|http://www.mysite3.com/resources/fred/|8|info@mysite3.com|recip
Site 4|http://www.mysite4.com/|descrip of Site 4|http://www.mysite4.com/links/favorites/|17|info@mysite4.com|regular
Site 5|http://www.mysite5.com/|descrip of Site 5|http://www.mysite5.com/links/|6|info@mysite5.com|recip
Site 6|http://www.mysite6.com/|descrip of Site 6|http://www.mysite6.com/links/shopping/|13|info@mysite6.com|regular
Site 7|http://www.mysite7.com/|descrip of Site 7|http://www.mysite7.com/links/|28|info@mysite7.com|recip
Site 8|http://www.mysite8.com/|descrip of Site 8|http://www.mysite8.com/links/|7|links@mysite8.com|regular
Site 9|http://www.mysite9.com/|descrip of Site 9|http://www.mysite9.com/links/|18|info@mysite9.com|recip
Site 10|http://www.mysite10.com/|descrip of Site 10|http://www.mysite10.com/links/|3|info@mysite10.com|regular

Please let me know. Many thanks, Paul smiling face

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#11 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jun 12, 2006 - 1:59 PM:

Hi, 'gin, Paul smiling face

I'd rather pay you the money to get this working asap than continue experimenting cuz I'm losing too much time.

Please let me know.

Thanks smiling face

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#12 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jun 13, 2006 - 8:16 AM:

I can't for the life of me get importer.php to work fully.

I just tried the following, but the result was the same - only certain fields were entered, the others ignored. I put all the link data all on one line but used [&] as the link separator and [|] as the field separator. The far end of the line ended with just the last field of the last link but no separator of any kind (not sure if this makes a difference)

It also doesn't watch out for duplicates (links that are already in the db) as far as I can tell.

In importlinks.txt:

Site 1[|]http://www.mysite1.com/[|]descrip of Site 1[|]http://www.mysite1.com/links/[|]26[|]info@mysite1.com[|]recip[&]Site 2[|]http://www.mysite2.com/[|]descrip of Site 2[|]http://www.mysite2.com/links/[|]14[|]info@mysite2.com[|]regular[&]Site 3[|]http://www.mysite3.com/[|]descrip of Site 3[|]http://www.mysite3.com/links/[|]8[|]info@mysite3.com[|]recip[&]Site 4[|]http://www.mysite4.com/[|]descrip of Site 4[|]http://www.mysite4.com/links/[|]17[|]info@mysite4.com[|]regular[&]Site 5[|]http://www.mysite5.com/[|]descrip of Site 5[|]http://www.mysite5.com/links/[|]6[|]info@mysite5.com[|]recip[&]Site 6[|]http://www.mysite6.com/[|]descrip of Site 6[|]http://www.mysite6.com/links/[|]13[|]info@mysite6.com[|]regular[&]Site 7[|]http://www.mysite7.com/[|]descrip of Site 7[|]http://www.mysite7.com/links/[|]28[|]info@mysite7.com[|]recip[&]Site 8[|]http://www.mysite8.com/[|]descrip of Site 8[|]http://www.mysite8.com/links/[|]7[|]info@mysite8.com[|]regular[&]Site 9[|]http://www.mysite9.com/[|]descrip of Site 9[|]http://www.mysite9.com/links/[|]18[|]info@mysite9.com[|]recip[&]Site 10[|]http://www.mysite10.com/[|]descrip of Site 10[|]http://www.mysite10.com/links/[|]3[|]info@mysite10.com[|]regular

In importer.php:

$linksep = '[&]'; // Please identify the unique character sequence which separates link entries in the file
$fieldsep = '[|]'; // Please identify the unique character sequence which separates fields in each link

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