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Links not showing up
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Comments on Links not showing up


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Joined: Apr 24, 2006
Location: Ontario, Canada

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Posted Apr 25, 2006 - 8:02 PM:

I upgraded to 3.3.15 (overwriting everything except templates and integration), and now I can't see any links. The directory shows that a category has say 10 links in it, but when you click on the link it will not show any links.

I've re-uploaded and overwritten all files - just not doing a new install so as not to overwrite my existing database - and still not showing up.

I've regenerated counters and the link #'s still show the correct amount of links.

All links are validated and not hidden.

Also when I try to search for any link titles from the admin panel, nothing is found.

I've tried submitting a new link and it doesn't submit the to mysql.


- So categories are showing, but the links are not.

- Link type has changed? I don't use regular or recip link types, but my own types like free, premium, sponsor.

- I made a backup of the mysql and did a new install over the old database and it allowed me to create a new category and add a link. So that worked. So then I copied my settings over from my backup mysql db and now it doesn't show any links again.

Any direction? There are 360 settings...

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Posted Apr 25, 2006 - 8:18 PM:

- Link type has changed? I don't use regular or recip link types, but my own types like free, premium, sponsor.

You probably didn't re-adapt your 'display links in category' template to use your link types. The upgrade process says to overwrite (or adapt) that template, and the default template only includes the regular and recip link types, all other link types have been customized into the template by you. So, with no HTML listed for the link types you have, nothing would show.

It makes considerably more sense to use regular, recip, sponsor instead of free, premium, sponsor. The displayed names are distinct in the box below the template names in the link settings, so there's no sense in changing the names the templates use just to make your upgrades harder.

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Joined: Apr 24, 2006
Location: Ontario, Canada

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Posted Apr 26, 2006 - 7:00 AM:

I took your advice and switched my link types over to regular instead of free in the link settings, and then in mysql changed a couple links to 'regular' type. Still didn't show up any links either in the original displaylinks.tpl supplied with 3.3.15 or my modified template.

Any other ideas why links wouldn't show up before I do a reinstall from scratch and customize everything all over again? Obviously a new install did work, so something in my settings file is creating havoc.


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Posted Apr 26, 2006 - 10:23 PM:

Changing the link type names now is just as much of a mess as keeping them with the odd names, it's too late to keep it simple. To change them now, you'd have to do to phpmyadmin and be sure you bulk replace all the old type values with the new ones. If you change "a couple" at random you don't know what category they're in or if they're deleted.

Type {REGULARTOTAL} and {RECIPTOTAL} in your template. If those show as 0, you simply don't have any links of those types. If using other link types, change all the HTML to specify them and be sure that the conditionals around it are not <IF {SHOWREGULAR}> but rather <IF {SHOWYOURTYPE}>

Of course if you'd given your URL I might've been able to see something, but odds are it's just your link types.
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Posted Apr 29, 2006 - 1:44 PM:

If at displaylinks.tpl you have <IF {SHOWFREE}> .....etc

Could it be the case that the variables:
has changed their values to cero?
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