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Problem with Validation Emails
Wrong "from" address

Comments on Problem with Validation Emails


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 12, 2005

Total Topics: 11
Total Comments: 19
Posted Apr 13, 2006 - 7:53 AM:

I'm having a problem with the automated validation e-mails that go out when I approve a new link.

When I approve a link and then go to the directory, I get an error message such as "Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 550 <user@submittersdomain.com> No such user here in D:\Inetpub\path-to-wsnlinks\links\commonfuncs.php on line 356", which is the sendqueuemail function.

So for some reason it appears that the mail is trying to be sent from the link submitter's address instead of the address I have set up in the configuration. Since my mail server requires that mail be sent from a valid mail account and the link submitter doesn't have one, it rejects it. Either that or perhaps it is not getting a valid "from" address.

My "from" address is specified in this format:

MyDomain.com <user@mydomain.com>

At first I thought maybe the brackets were not getting unescaped prior to sending, but then I changed the sending address to just "user@mydomain.com" and I still have the same problem.

Does anyone know what might be going wrong? Should I just hard-code the "from" address into WSNLinks, and if so, where should I do that?

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Apr 14, 2006 - 11:57 AM:

my mail server requires that mail be sent from a valid mail account

That's not going to be a very practical mail server with WSN Links. All sorts of places use "from" addresses that aren't yours, like e-mailing links and emailing members for example. The "from" mail is always set by WSN Links to be the logical address you would want to send a reply to for the message being sent (except where a reply would be illogical, in which case it's the default admin address).

Edit: Actually apparently not for emailing links, uses admin address there, should probably change that.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Dec 12, 2005

Total Topics: 11
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Posted Apr 14, 2006 - 12:19 PM:

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I don't find it to be helpful at all.

Many web hosts are requiring mail to be sent from a valid account on that server in order to help control spam. I don't wish to debate the merits of that policy here, it's not my policy, but I have to live with it.

That said, what WOULD be helpful is if you could explain the best way or places to hard-code the sending address into WSNLinks if that is what will be required.

In this particular case, your explanation of the "from" mail always being the logical address you'd want to send a reply to makes no sense. If I as an administrator have validated a link, and selected the admin address for the "from" address in the drop-down provided, why would I want the mail to be sent from the person that submitted the link? Sounds more like a bug to me.

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
Posted Apr 15, 2006 - 11:03 AM:

All email flows through the sendemail() function in commonfuncs.php. You can hard-code a from address there.
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