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Manual break on text area

Comments on Manual break on text area


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Posted Mar 16, 2006 - 1:51 AM:

How do I force a new line in a text area field?

I have a new field as a text area. Whilst I make new lines in the input area when displaying it puts it all on one line. I have tried putting a manual break in (I have it so I can use HTML) <br>, but that makes it throw a wobbly and merely repeat part of the input above the field.

[edit] I've just realised that the description field recognises new lines so why doesn't my new field?
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Posted Mar 16, 2006 - 7:51 AM:

Under settings > general, is your new field selected under the "Line Break Parsing:" area?

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Posted Mar 16, 2006 - 1:05 PM:

mrowton wrote:
Under settings > general, is your new field selected under the "Line Break Parsing:" area?

Thanks! I checked that and it wasn't (didn't realise about that!) I added it but unfortunately it still doesn't work shaking head
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Posted Mar 16, 2006 - 1:43 PM:

It probably just applies to all new link submissions. You may be able to regenerate links but I suspect you would have to manually edit and add the breaks to take affect on previous links.

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Posted Mar 16, 2006 - 11:15 PM:

Nope shaking head

I edited and reinput the info - didn't work

So I made a new link - didn't work [sigh]

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Posted Mar 18, 2006 - 7:33 PM:

It's applied at run time, nothing to do with new submissions. The only reason description parses them is that it's selected there, there's no distinct code, so your new field is treated exactly the same as description.

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Posted Mar 20, 2006 - 3:04 AM:

Paul wrote:
It's applied at run time, nothing to do with new submissions. The only reason description parses them is that it's selected there, there's no distinct code, so your new field is treated exactly the same as description.

So, could you tell me what's wrong? the field just displays it all in one line confused


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Posted Mar 21, 2006 - 7:52 PM:

Find what you're doing for descriptions that you're not doing for your other field or vice versa.

This is what you get when you create a new link field 'blah' and select to parse line breaks in it, then type "This
lines." in it on submission:

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