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can't use rssfeed.php?usedetails=1

Comments on can't use rssfeed.php?usedetails=1

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Posted Mar 16, 2006 - 4:28 PM:

As per this topic, https://www.webmastersite.net/forums/thread/6207
I can't use rssfeed.php?usedetails=1 as the links come out as ction=detail http://www.domain.com/link.php?action=detail&id=xx

That & should not be there and yet its apparently been fixed in 3.3.9. I attach the rssfeed.php thats on my server - you'll see its the latest version. All caches have been cleared.

What could the problem be?

Attached Files:
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Posted Mar 16, 2006 - 6:46 PM:

I haven't tried to use that full url for rss feeds, as some sites can't understand it. I use a simple Static File Generation and voila, you get a nice simple .xml file.

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Posted Mar 16, 2006 - 7:00 PM:

i don't understand what you're talking about... I'm using rssfeed.php?usedetails=1 so that a visitor goes to the details page for that link, rather than the website itself.

What in your reply above related to that..? Pls explain the static file generation.....
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Posted Mar 16, 2006 - 7:07 PM:

I could be remembering wrong, but rssfeed.php is used as a link that somebody would use to get to the rss feed of your site, right?

If so, then it's easier to get to somethingsite.xml, isn't it? So generate rssfeed.php?blahblah... into a static somethingsite.xml and submit/use that link to your site's rss feed.


(unless I remember wrong and that's not what you use rssfeed.php for)
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Posted Mar 16, 2006 - 7:25 PM:

I'm parsing rssfeed.php to display the 5 newest links onto an external page on my site... and then when a user clicks on one of these links, they go to the details page.

I'm not sure how a static page would help although I'm probably not quite following you...

anyway, the main issue is that there is a problem, as I've outlined in the first post, as before 3.3.8-9, it was working fine and now its not because the link contains an & instead of an &
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Posted Mar 16, 2006 - 7:32 PM:

Yep. I think we are talking the same thing.

Take that really long link of rssfeed.php and generate a static xml file. Then parse that xml file onto that other page of yours. Let's see what happens. I had the same issue a long time ago, then I never got back to using the rssfeed.php as an actual link, so if it was fixed but now got broken again, then I didn't know about that one.

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Posted Mar 17, 2006 - 5:38 PM:

well, the problem's gone now! It must have been to do with caching somehow, as its disappeared overnight...

anyway, I'm using rssfeed.php, as before, but thx for the alternative suggestion. One to bear in mind, I guess. (except that, doing it that way, the static file only gets generated every 12 hrs or so, which is not good for me)
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Posted Mar 18, 2006 - 1:26 AM:

Cool. By the way, you can change that regeneration time from 12 hours to anything else. wink Do a search for my topics and you will find the answer on that from Paul.


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Posted Mar 18, 2006 - 7:44 PM:

There was another & problem in 3.3.9 that was [re-]fixed in 3.3.10.

There's nothing in the 12hours.php cron that would be harmed by being run more often, so feel free to set it to be more frequent on your crons page (even though it'll make the name of the file rather counterintuitive).
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