that's basically what I just posted. In "System Configuration" in your WSN Admin at the bottom of the page you have a drop down menu where you can set the "Debug Level". Usually it's set to 'none', but when you change it to 'show queries as executed' it will display the script's every (background) action whenever a site is loading. So if you have a MySQL error on your site you turn on the debug and paste all the code (mainly around the error message) into your forum post. It's the best way for Paul to detect why the error is occuring and how to fix it.
Here's what I get when I try to generate 1 category (more than 1 and I'm not sure where one starts and the next begins so I don't know what to post here):
Load time so far: 0.1 seconds. Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 AND isalbum=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1;
Load time so far: 0.11 seconds. Performing query: SELECT name,value FROM wsnlinks_switches WHERE id>0 ;
Number of rows is 57 for Resource id #37
Load time so far: 0.12 seconds. Performing query: SELECT id,type,original,replacement,description,originalclose,replacementclose,sortorder FROM wsnlinks_markup WHERE type='wsncode' ORDER BY sortorder ;
Number of rows is 22 for Resource id #41
Load time so far: 0.13 seconds. Performing query: SELECT original,replacement,description,id,sortorder FROM wsnlinks_markup WHERE type='smilie' ORDER BY sortorder ;
Number of rows is 14 for Resource id #42
Load time so far: 0.13 seconds. Performing query: SELECT id,title,caneditown,caneditall,canvote,isadmin,canpost,canemail,validatecats,validatecomments,validatelinks,validateedits,cansubmitlinks,cansubmitcategories,cansubmitcomments,caneditownlinks,caneditowncategories,caneditowncomments,caneditownprofile,caneditalllinks,caneditallcategories,caneditallcomments,caneditallprofiles,candownloadfiles,canupload,canviewip,limitlinks,canemailmembers,canusehtml,limitlinksdaily,canalias,cancopy,candeleteown,candeleteall,candofulledit,candeletecategories,candeletecomments,candeleteowncategories,candeleteowncomments,candeletemembers,candeleteownmembers,canaliascategories,canviewpages,caneditvotes,numaliases,canviewvotes,canhideownlinks,canhideowncategories,canhideowncomments,canhidealllinks,canhideallcategories,canhideallcomments,canratecomments,bytespermem,canpm,canim,canharddelete,limitpms,limitpmsdaily,canviewdeleted,cansubmitpolls,candeletepolls,candeleteownpolls,caneditpolls,caneditownpolls,attachperpost,attachperpm,canviewshouts,caneditshouts,caneditownshouts,candeleteshouts,candeleteownshouts,cansubmitshouts,canpollvote,customtitle,canviewinvisible,namestyle,canpmimportant,canviewmodlog,isleader,cansubmitquotes,validatequotes,candeletequotes,candeleteownquotes,canreport,canusesearch,attachperlink,validateattachments,caneditownquotes,caneditallquotes,canviewchat,caneditownevents,caneditallevents,candeleteownevents,candeleteevents,cansubmitevents,validateevents,bulkpms,issupermod FROM wsnlinks_membergroups WHERE id>0 ;
Load time so far: 0.13 seconds. Performing query: SELECT id,name,links,comments,time,usergroup,password,ip,totalhits,totalhitsin,email,validated,template,language,lastattempt,allowemail,signature,avatarname,stylesheet,allowuseremail,albumid,failedattempts,totalbytes,funds,notifyoflinks,lastvisit,timezone,rating,pmfolders,notifyofpms,acceptpms,cookieduration,banned,location,homepage,occupation,bio,aim,icq,msn,yahoo,inactive,timeonline,totalpms,buddies,ignored,isonline,acceptims,adminpermissions,referrer,groupreverttime,grouprevertto,moderationpm,secondarygroups,linksperpage,commentsperpage,shouts,customtitle,shoutban,topicbans,forumbans,visibility,birthdate,lastsession,interests,posteditor,forumaccess,pmpopup,pmnotify,modnotes,guestnotes,salt,lastmodnote,newpms,imflag,orderalbums,lastguestnote,autosubscribe,notifymethod,showavatars,showsigs,warninglevel,topics,posts,chatcolor FROM wsnlinks_members WHERE id=1 AND validated=1 ;
Setting cookie with name updateinc, value 1 and duration 1242004107
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/totalspo/public_html/classes/database.php:276) in /home/totalspo/public_html/commonfuncs.php on line 442
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/totalspo/public_html/classes/database.php:276) in /home/totalspo/public_html/commonfuncs.php on line 446
Load time so far: 0.15 seconds. Performing query: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE isalbum=0 ;
Count is 238
Load time so far: 0.15 seconds. Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap,deleted,reqlinks,reqcoms,reqlinksdelay,priority,levelsdeep,lastposterid,lastpostername,lastcommenttime,lastthreadid,lastthreadtitle,linkshere,unvalidatedlinks,unvalidatedcomments,actaslink,countposts,subcatshtml FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE isalbum=0 AND deleted=0 AND alias=0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,1;
Number of rows is 1 for Resource id #51
Load time so far: 0.16 seconds. Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE id=0 ;
Load time so far: 0.16 seconds. Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE parent=1 AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 ;
Number of rows is 31 for Resource id #53
Load time so far: 0.16 seconds. Performing query: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE catid=1 AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND validated=1 ;
Count is 9
Load time so far: 0.16 seconds. Performing query: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE (catid=1 OR parentids LIKE '%|1|%') AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND validated=1 AND (inhidden=0 OR inalbum=1) ;
Count is 557
Load time so far: 0.19 seconds. Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_categories SET numlinks='557', linkshere='9' WHERE id=1;
Load time so far: 0.19 seconds. Performing query: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_comments WHERE (catid=1 OR parentids LIKE '%|1|%') AND hide=0 AND validated=1 AND deleted=0 ;
Count is 0
Load time so far: 0.19 seconds. Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_categories SET totalcomments='0' WHERE id=1;
Load time so far: 0.19 seconds. Performing query: SELECT ownerid,postername,time,linkid,linkname FROM wsnlinks_comments WHERE (validated=1 AND hide=0 AND deleted=0) AND (parentids LIKE '%, 1, %' OR catid = 1) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,1;
Load time so far: 0.19 seconds. Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_categories SET lastposterid='', lastpostername='', lastcommenttime='', lastthreadid='', lastthreadtitle='' WHERE id=1;
Load time so far: 0.19 seconds. Performing query: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE catid=1 AND deleted=0 AND validated=0 ;
Count is 0
Load time so far: 0.2 seconds. Performing query: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_comments WHERE catid=1 AND deleted=0 AND validated=0 ;
Count is 0
Load time so far: 0.2 seconds. Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_categories SET parentids='', parentnames='', numsub='31', numlinks='557', levelsdeep='0', unvalidatedlinks='0', unvalidatedcomments='0' WHERE id=1;
Load time so far: 0.2 seconds. Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_categories SET levelsdeep='0' WHERE id=1;
Load time so far: 0.2 seconds. Performing query: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE parent=1 AND deleted=0 AND hide=0 AND validated=1 ;
Count is 31
Load time so far: 0.2 seconds. Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap,deleted,reqlinks,reqcoms,reqlinksdelay,priority,levelsdeep,lastposterid,lastpostername,lastcommenttime,lastthreadid,lastthreadtitle,linkshere,unvalidatedlinks,unvalidatedcomments,actaslink,countposts,subcatshtml FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE parent=1 AND deleted=0 AND hide=0 AND validated=1 ORDER BY name ASC,subcatshtml ASC LIMIT 0,7;
Number of rows is 7 for Resource id #62
Load time so far: 0.21 seconds. Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap,deleted,reqlinks,reqcoms,reqlinksdelay,priority,levelsdeep,lastposterid,lastpostername,lastcommenttime,lastthreadid,lastthreadtitle,linkshere,unvalidatedlinks,unvalidatedcomments,actaslink,countposts,subcatshtml FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE id=1 ;
Load time so far: 0.25 seconds. Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_categories SET subcatshtml='<a href="index.php?action=displaycat&catid=137">Arizona Diamondbacks</a>, <a href="index.php?action=displaycat&catid=109">Atlanta Braves</a>, <a href="index.php?action=displaycat&catid=110">Baltimore Orioles</a>, <a href="index.php?action=displaycat&catid=111">Boston Red Sox</a>, <a href="index.php?action=displaycat&catid=112">Chicago Cubs</a>, <a href="index.php?action=displaycat&catid=113">Chicago White Sox</a>, <a href="index.php?action=displaycat&catid=114">Cincinnati Reds</a>, <a href="index.php?action=displaycat&catid=1">More...</a>' WHERE id=1;
WSN Links 3.3.7 Admin Panel
Updating next 1 categories starting at 1 (out of 238)...
Logout | Browse Categories | Member List
closing database connection 26 total queries This page was created in 0.38 seconds
Needless to say, you've got a severe problem with your sort order. I don't know how you could get it like that, but set it to something valid at settings->general.
Jenny wrote: Out of memory. Restart daemon and try again (needed 1048568 bytes)
Or maybe the odd order is a just a consequence of everything having broken and died from your out of memory issue... or maybe the out of memory is a result of the sort order somehow.
Needless to say, you've got a severe problem with your sort order. I don't know how you could get it like that, but set it to something valid at settings->general.
Categories are set to be sorted by 'name ASC', then 'id ASC'. I don't understand why this error is not showing up when only 10 categories are regenerated at a time.
And this doesn't explain why regenerating the categories still doesn't make the subcategories appear again.
I am on 3.3.9 and I've re-gen many times yet still no subcats and I've set it to show 4, but they don't appear... this is the debug I get:
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 AND isalbum=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1;
Performing query: SELECT name,value FROM wsnlinks_switches WHERE id>0 ;
Number of rows is 57 for Resource id #37
Performing query: SELECT id,title,caneditown,caneditall,canvote,isadmin,canpost,canemail,validatecats,validatecomments,validatelinks,validateedits,cansubmitlinks,cansubmitcategories,cansubmitcomments,caneditownlinks,caneditowncategories,caneditowncomments,caneditownprofile,caneditalllinks,caneditallcategories,caneditallcomments,caneditallprofiles,candownloadfiles,canupload,canviewip,limitlinks,canemailmembers,canusehtml,limitlinksdaily,canalias,cancopy,candeleteown,candeleteall,candofulledit,candeletecategories,candeletecomments,candeleteowncategories,candeleteowncomments,candeletemembers,candeleteownmembers,canaliascategories,canviewpages,caneditvotes,numaliases,canviewvotes,canhideownlinks,canhideowncategories,canhideowncomments,canhidealllinks,canhideallcategories,canhideallcomments,canratecomments,bytespermem,canpm,canim,canharddelete,limitpms,limitpmsdaily,canviewdeleted,cansubmitpolls,candeletepolls,candeleteownpolls,caneditpolls,caneditownpolls,attachperpost,attachperpm,canviewshouts,caneditshouts,caneditownshouts,candeleteshouts,candeleteownshouts,cansubmitshouts,canpollvote,customtitle,canviewinvisible,namestyle,canpmimportant,canviewmodlog,isleader,cansubmitquotes,validatequotes,candeletequotes,candeleteownquotes,canreport,canusesearch,attachperlink,validateattachments,caneditownquotes,caneditallquotes,canviewchat,caneditownevents,caneditallevents,candeleteownevents,candeleteevents,cansubmitevents,validateevents,bulkpms,issupermod FROM wsnlinks_membergroups WHERE id>0 ;
Performing query: SELECT id,name,links,comments,time,usergroup,password,ip,totalhits,totalhitsin,email,validated,template,language,lastattempt,allowemail,signature,avatarname,stylesheet,allowuseremail,albumid,failedattempts,totalbytes,funds,notifyoflinks,lastvisit,timezone,rating,pmfolders,notifyofpms,acceptpms,cookieduration,banned,location,homepage,occupation,bio,aim,icq,msn,yahoo,inactive,timeonline,totalpms,buddies,ignored,isonline,acceptims,adminpermissions,referrer,groupreverttime,grouprevertto,moderationpm,secondarygroups,linksperpage,commentsperpage,shouts,customtitle,shoutban,topicbans,forumbans,visibility,birthdate,lastsession,interests,posteditor,forumaccess,pmpopup,pmnotify,modnotes,guestnotes,salt,lastmodnote,newpms,imflag,orderalbums,lastguestnote,autosubscribe,notifymethod,showavatars,showsigs,warninglevel,topics,posts,chatcolor FROM wsnlinks_members WHERE id=1 AND validated=1 ;
Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap,deleted,reqlinks,reqcoms,reqlinksdelay,priority,levelsdeep,lastposterid,lastpostername,lastcommenttime,lastthreadid,lastthreadtitle,linkshere,unvalidatedlinks,unvalidatedcomments,actaslink,countposts,customtitle,fromdmoz,subcatshtml,flag FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE id=1 ;
Performing query: SELECT id,`to`,subject,message,headers,replacement,mime FROM wsnlinks_email WHERE timesent=0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10;
Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #45
Performing query: UNLOCK TABLES;
Performing query: UPDATE wsnlinks_switches SET value='0' WHERE name='catselector';
Performing query: SELECT id,frequency,filename,nextrun FROM wsnlinks_crons WHERE nextrun < 1142295102 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,1;
Number of rows is 0 for Resource id #47
Performing query: SELECT id,name,parent,validated,description,time,parentnames,parentids,numlinks,hide,lastlinktime,custom,lastedit,moderators,headerinfo,related,numsub,type,permissions,subscribers,subscriber,mixtypes,isalbum,orderlinks,totalcomments,ulsearchmax,ulsearchquery,ulsearchadult,alias,catcols,linkcols,dmozpath,sponsorlinks,views,customwrap,deleted,reqlinks,reqcoms,reqlinksdelay,priority,levelsdeep,lastposterid,lastpostername,lastcommenttime,lastthreadid,lastthreadtitle,linkshere,unvalidatedlinks,unvalidatedcomments,actaslink,countposts,customtitle,fromdmoz,subcatshtml,flag FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE parent=1 AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND isalbum=0 ORDER BY name ASC,name ASC LIMIT 0,300;
Number of rows is 13 for Resource id #49
Performing query: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE catid=1 AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND validated=1 ;
Performing query: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE catid=1 AND validated=1 AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND type='recip' ;
Performing query: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE catid=1 AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND validated=1 ;
Performing query: SELECT id,memberid,location,time,ip,browser,starttime,catid,threadid,areaname,lastsearch,nopermission,inchat,name,isrobot,lastchat,groupnamestyle,acceptims,visibility FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE time > 1142294203 AND (catid=1 AND memberid>0) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,100;
Number of rows is 1 for Resource id #54
Performing query: SELECT id FROM wsnlinks_categories WHERE validated=1 AND hide=0 AND parent=0 ;
Number of rows is 151 for Resource id #56
Paul, I hope this helps... if you need access to my site to resolve this, let me know... thx
I just retried mine again yesterday, didn't do anything different than I had done before, and it worked. No idea why; I haven't upgraded and I didn't change any settings; just left it alone for a few days.
I have upgraded to 3.3.11 now, subcategories are turned on and set to 25, category selector level is set to 10, all categories have been regenerated and still I can't see any subcategories
Comments on Subforums on main page have disappeared
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that's basically what I just posted.
In "System Configuration" in your WSN Admin at the bottom of the page you have a drop down menu where you can set the "Debug Level". Usually it's set to 'none', but when you change it to 'show queries as executed' it will display the script's every (background) action whenever a site is loading.
So if you have a MySQL error on your site you turn on the debug and paste all the code (mainly around the error message) into your forum post. It's the best way for Paul to detect why the error is occuring and how to fix it.
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Thanks Jenny.
Here's what I get when I try to generate 1 category (more than 1 and I'm not sure where one starts and the next begins so I don't know what to post here):
Forum Regular
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I don't get any MySQL errors! I just don't get any subcats...
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ORDER BY name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC,name ASC LIMIT 0,15;
Needless to say, you've got a severe problem with your sort order. I don't know how you could get it like that, but set it to something valid at settings->general.
Out of memory. Restart daemon and try again (needed 1048568 bytes)
Or maybe the odd order is a just a consequence of everything having broken and died from your out of memory issue... or maybe the out of memory is a result of the sort order somehow.
Note 3.3.9 uses less RAM.
Errk!, I don't see any errors in your output.
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Needless to say, you've got a severe problem with your sort order. I don't know how you could get it like that, but set it to something valid at settings->general.
Categories are set to be sorted by 'name ASC', then 'id ASC'.
I don't understand why this error is not showing up when only 10 categories are regenerated at a time.
And this doesn't explain why regenerating the categories still doesn't make the subcategories appear again.
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I am on 3.3.9 and I've re-gen many times yet still no subcats and I've set it to show 4, but they don't appear... this is the debug I get:
Paul, I hope this helps... if you need access to my site to resolve this, let me know... thx
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I need to get this to work please.......!
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I just retried mine again yesterday, didn't do anything different than I had done before, and it worked. No idea why; I haven't upgraded and I didn't change any settings; just left it alone for a few days.
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well mine do NOT work - no subcats at all, just the 'More...' link.
Paul? I am on 3.3.10 now
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Sure you don't just have it switched off in your switches?
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nope, see attached
ps - my sitemap and category selector are set to 1 level only, dont know if that relates to this....
Attached Files:
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anything yet..?
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my sitemap and category selector are set to 1 level only, dont know if that relates to this....
I believe that would. At least in the past, the subcategories always depended on the sitemap. I don't think that changed.
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I have upgraded to 3.3.11 now, subcategories are turned on and set to 25, category selector level is set to 10, all categories have been regenerated and still I can't see any subcategories
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Location: Diamond Springs, California
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What about the sitemap levels?