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Time Out in Admin Page
Admin page too slow, but no prob with normal page

Comments on Time Out in Admin Page


Usergroup: Member
Joined: Mar 07, 2006

Total Topics: 1
Total Comments: 1
Posted Mar 07, 2006 - 9:42 PM:

Dear Adminnistrator,

We're your customer of WSN Version 3.3.5 under e-mail webmaster@reals.com.
After install your sofware we found that admin page of every site with WSN are too slow and we can't do anything like search or add categories.

But all main page are OK so we wonder why and how to fix.
Here are some more detail of our prob:
- domain and db are on the same server (localhost)
- SQL file is about 10mb (that we think it not too big)
- we're not modified template yet, still original one.
- we once used with very small db (a few categories and listings), it still slow but not time out

So here are some questions we would like to ask:
- Does the software have limit of sql db it can handle?
- Is there any config to change in order to work for big db?

Please advices,


Edit for note from Paul: Customer refused to heed the request for the common courtesy of not emailing and posting the same question, yet I'm leaving the thread in case anyone has a comment.

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