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Generate html and subdomains

Comments on Generate html and subdomains

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Posted Feb 23, 2006 - 9:26 AM:

Im generating HTML to my main wsnlinks directory and pointing visitors to


I also have wsnforums set up on a subdomain at


On my main page I am trying to point links to my forums (manual a hrefs in the template not any sort of toplist)

The link to http://forums.mysite.com/ works fine, but links to

Get written over as

The setting in Generate html are set to overwrite categorys as

But it seems to be mistaking the subdomain and rewriting these links also.

I probably need to update versions, but didn't see this reported so thought I would mention it and see if you need to provide a fix for the newest version before I update.

I also can't display links to custom pages because index.php gets overwritten as index.html. Perhaps if there were way to tell WSNLinks not to rewrite a section of html?

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Posted Feb 26, 2006 - 12:50 AM:

It's much like a recently-fixed issue with URL rewriting. Fixed for 3.3.8.
Forum Regular

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Joined: Feb 19, 2004
Location: Michigan

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Posted Feb 28, 2006 - 6:24 PM:

Works great
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