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Admin Login Problem -(I think a new one)
Admin can login as a user, but not as admin...

Comments on Admin Login Problem -(I think a new one)


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Posted Dec 16, 2005 - 11:27 PM:

I have already gone through all the procedures listed in the 'Can't Login to Admin Panel' support page.
Here is what seems to be unique about this problem:
When I register as a new user, it automatically takes me to a page that says:
"You do not have cookies enabled in your browser. You must allow cookies in order to login."

This happens on different browsers- all of which I know are set to accept cookies, you can try registering at:'
to duplicate that error, I will then go ahead and delete anyone who registers later (I don't use the user registration feature on my site).

The other behavior I am seeing is that if I go to the admin login page ( http://www.faithability.org/directory/adminlogin.php)and enter my info and press enter then it appears to simply refresh that page and leaves the fields blank.

However, if I go to the user login page ( www.faithability.org/direct...index.php?action=userlogin ) to login then it says I am logged in, but when I try to access the admin page it just kicks me out to the admin login page again...

Any ideas? Anyone need any more info?

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Posted Dec 18, 2005 - 11:45 PM:

It's supposed to say you don't have cookies activated if you haven't browsed the index page before the registration page. Visiting that first doesn't help in your case though.

The login says it works fine, you just don't have it linked anywhere, and you seem to have abolished all stuff which allow it to be noticed or useful like the edit profile page so I can't really tell if I'm logged in or not.

I would guess that you have a cookie path wrong, or a conflicting cookie (another install along the same path).

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Posted Jan 02, 2006 - 10:25 PM:

Thanks for trying that out. First off, I do have two other installations of WNSLinks installed on that server, but I didn't think there would be a cookie problem the way they are set up:
1st installation (w/the problem) is at: http://www.faithability.org/directory/

The 2nd and 3rd installations are at:

They are not in a subdirectory of the 1st one, so I didn't think that would cause a problem, am I wrong on that?

The way I currently use the script, I don't have any way for users to subscribe because I don't have any of those features enabled. I simply need to be able to login as the administrator which I am unable to do right now.

I went into phpmyadmin and changed the usergroup of both of the accounts that you registered with to '3', could you possibly see if you could login with one of them on the admin page?

If it would be helpful for me to go in to my template and re-enable any feature that would help you try to figure it out, please just let me know.

Thanks so much,

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Posted Jan 03, 2006 - 6:48 PM:

If the cookie path is / (as it defaults to in recent versions), those could still conflict I believe. You'd have to set the paths to /directory/, /ldsability/articles/ and /ldsability/directory/ . You can also simply change the login cookie names (in 3.2+).

As for logging in to admin... when I go to http://www.faithability.org/ldsability/directory/ I get forwarded to a completely different domain name's login page,

You must've set the directory url to something completely different than where the directory actually is... which would explain the problems.

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Posted Feb 09, 2006 - 11:45 PM:

I think I've finally figured out what is going on with my installation- and I didn't explain it very well from the beginning. Here goes, hope this makes sense:

I have two different URL's that point to two different directories:
http://www.faithability.org/ points to /home/html/
http://www.ldsability.org/ points to /home/html/ldsability/

I have 3 instances of WSNLinks setup:
http://www.faithability.org/directory/ (works fine)
I have having trouble logging into the admin accounts of these two directories:

I have changes the cookie paths of all three instances, so I don't believe that is the problem (though please enlighten me if I am wrong...)

Here is a better description of the problem:
For the URL http://www.ldsability.org/directory/
When I have the dirurl variable in the wsnlinks_settings table set to: http://www.ldsability.org/directory/ then all of the links work perfectly at the site, but I am unable to login to the admin at either http://www.ldsability.org/directory/admin/

However, when I change the dirurl variable in the wsn_links table to:
Then I am able to go to:
and login without any problems. That solves the logging into the admin problem, but when I set the dirurl to that address then all of my links in http://www.ldsability.org/directory
point to http://www.faithability.org/ldsability/directory/link
instead of

Does that make sense?

Do I have a wierd setup that is causing it to do this? It seems to me that when I have dirurl set to
that I should be able to login to the admin at:

Any help?

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Posted Feb 10, 2006 - 11:24 PM:

When you think you're logging in by changing the dirurl, you're no doubt going to the other site's admin panel and it won't show that in the address bar since it's in a frameset.

Unless you're sharing the database tables somehow?

I have changes the cookie paths of all three instances

Changing the cookie paths doesn't help if one is beneth the other, since paths are inhereited downward. You'd have to change the cookie names if you have one directory at /something/ and another at /something/else/

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Posted Feb 17, 2006 - 5:56 AM:

I am not sharing the database tables- I do have two installations in one database, but each has a different prefix.

When you think you're logging in by changing the dirurl, you're no doubt going to the other site's admin panel and it won't show that in the address bar since it's in a frameset.

I quite positive this is not the case- when I go to:
I cannot log in- every time I enter the correct username and password it just goes right back to the login page- nothing happens. However, just as soon as I change the dirurl to http://www.faithability.org/ldsability/directory
Then I can go to http://www.faithability.org/ldsability/directory/admin/
and login just fine- when I am logged in then the URLs in the frameset are:

Once I am into that admin panel then I can add/edit/whatever links that show up in the directory at: http://www.ldsability.org/directory/

However, when I go to click on a category link in the directory at
http://www.ldsability.org/directory/ then it send me to a category in:

So, I am trying to figure out why it won't let me login at:

What might the admin script require that would force to have to go to that other domain?

Could it be something to do with the fact that the domain name is pointed to a sub-directory? (i.e. ldsability.org is pointed to /root/html/ldsability/ and faithability.org- the other domain- is pointed to /root/html/)??

Any other ideas? any other variable I could try to change?

Also, I have changed the cookie name in addition to the cookie path, so I don't think there are any issues there.


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Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Feb 19, 2006 - 7:01 PM:

However, when I go to click on a category link in the directory at
http://www.ldsability.org/directory/ then it send me to a category in:

Clearly you typed in the directory url of one site on another site so that you're forcing one to forward to the other. This is probably the root of all your problems. scripts.webmastersite.net/w...articles/Configphp-78.html
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