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Generate HTML

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Posted Feb 10, 2006 - 10:47 AM:

Couldn't find anything in the manual on this subject. Experimenting I found that one of my sites is far better using generated html pages (particularly the google adsense).

Problems I have found are with some of the links...

On the wrapper I have the log-in as <a href="http://www.mydomain.biz/index.php?action=userlogin">Log In</a> but on the generated pages it changes it to index.html and can't find it.

Also on the wrapper I have <a href="

So how can I ensure the generated pages do not change log-in (and anyting else) from php to html?

Is there anything in the manual? Did a search for generated html but couldn't find anything

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Posted Feb 13, 2006 - 8:01 PM:

The index.htm problem should be fixed in 3.3.7 (untested though).

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Posted Feb 13, 2006 - 11:46 PM:

Thanks Paul
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Posted Feb 16, 2006 - 1:04 PM:

babrees, I've not use this feature yet.

Do you have it generate in the main directory so the html and php are all together or do you separate them and have a new url for people to use the html version?

My site is comprised of only WSN Links so a http://example.com/ goes to the link directory main index. I'd like to, maybe use the html generation since you said it helps with the adsense but I'm not quite clear of how it should be intertwined with the dynamic site.

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Posted Feb 16, 2006 - 11:19 PM:

I haven't done much because of the bug in it. I've yet to upgrate to the latest version. Want to wait a bit to make sure this one is stable enough before I do smiling face

I only had a quick mess around with it. I couldn't get it to work in the main directory, it seems you have to give a sub-directory. Once I know that the latest version is stable I will download it and have another play around.

I would like to use it though - quicker and better if it works nod

Will let you know what I do, but it may be a while yet. I'm trying it out on a new site that isn't yet launched, so all my other sites have to come first!
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Posted Feb 17, 2006 - 11:49 AM:

I went ahead and generated html in 3.3.6 to a sub-directory. Thats about it. At first glance it appears that maybe having mod_rewrite = YES in the settings is fouling up generated links.

EG: cat16.htm is nowhere referenced in any of the generated html output. All of the href= (that aren't to .php files) are pointing to http://example.com/nn style urls, all the generated html is in ./admin/htmloutput though.

I may give it a run with SEO->rewrite = NO and see if it make any difference. Before I go much further with it I want to investigate how <IF ..> template statements (and some others) are handled. I've some template modifications that right off were 'broken' in the html so I'm not sure how far I'll explore this.

Maybe I'm also misunderstanding what the html is for.. Can't get at the manual with the webmastersite.net broken, but is this just for search engines? ..or is it made for users?

It'd make sense if it was just food for crawlers, why my hrefs are all pointing the way they are..
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