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why is the HTML not correct in

Comments on why is the HTML not correct in

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Posted Feb 07, 2006 - 6:35 PM:

<td width="49%" valign="top" class="link">
title blah
<img src="templates/default/images/updated.gif"> <a href="edit.php?action=link&amp;amp;amp;field=id&amp;amp;amp;condition=equals&amp;amp;amp;fieldvalue=1" class="feed19">EDIT</a>
<br>description blah...
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<br>Submitted 30 Jan 2006 , edited 06 Feb 2006 </td>
</tr> <tr> <!-- BEGIN REGULAR LINKS -->
this is from the default template.... why is the HTML not correct..?

there's no opening <TR>
there's only one <TD> and it seems to have a 49% width...?
at the end there's an opening <TR>...

I'm sure there's a reason, but I'm having problems with the layout.....
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Posted Feb 08, 2006 - 1:08 PM:

I hate to say it but you have a big task ahead if you are going to try and make all the output validate.

I'll venture to say it can be done, but unless Paul decides W3C validatation is a top priority and re-writes a lot of things, you'll wind up with a rather customized script and template arrangement that will only last until your next upgrade.

I'm a W3C validation fan myself and do ensure what HTML I hand write all validates but with dynamic content and scripts it's usually a loosing battle to worry a great deal about 3rd party HTML obsessivly. Best to make a quick decision if the script provides enough value to put aside W3C or accessability concerns, if possible... or use something like webmastersite.net 'Pro' scripts which are able to be modified for your own use.

I have a site which I can virtually eliminate most all 3rd party scripts "as is" since it must maintain Section 508 accessability standards. At least with a licensed WSN Links it's flexable and easy enough to modify for rigid requirements.

I'm using the default templates with WSN Links myself. Is your site looking messed up with them? I've not noticed anything strange looking in 3 different browsers -- IE5, Opera 8 and Firefox.

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Posted Feb 08, 2006 - 3:36 PM:

Actually the output of WSN has validated by default when checked since 2.40, it simply hasn't been checked for a while since I'd presumed someone would've mentioned any issues. It looks like there are a few small validation issues, should be cleaned up in 3.3.6.

The <tr>s anyhow are controlled by your selection of columns in your settings. The lack of them is not a validation issue, it's a necessity to allow a flexible number of columns. If you specify the <tr> in the template you're forcing it to one column, and causing errors due to trying to duplicate something the script already handles.
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Posted Feb 09, 2006 - 6:50 PM:

the code I've pasted in the first post is the view source from the browser output, not a cut n paste from the default template. Therefore you will see that the HTML doesn't make much sense and screws up my layout......

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Posted Feb 10, 2006 - 9:45 PM:

Every page of 3.3.6 I can find validates as html 4.01 transitional according to the w3c's validator.
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