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Some thumbs showing, some not

Comments on Some thumbs showing, some not


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jan 19, 2006

Total Topics: 7
Total Comments: 18
Posted Jan 19, 2006 - 5:41 AM:

Hi - my host just changed servers - fun!!! - and the changeover almost went smoothly just a couple of problems.

1 - Half of my thumbnails are showing. half not showing...
see: www.dpalbums.lv/lat/search....h=Gaisma%20Kovals%20Newman

the random image on the front page also doesnt show.

Funny thing is that in the search results at the address above the entries that dont show a thumbnail image will show the enlarged image on the actual photo page BUT the ones that show a thumbnail wont show an image on the photo page.

Any ideas what is creating this problem??

2 - Can someone tell me if theres anything I need to do after a server change with the registeres user list - I cant get into admin as it seems all my users ( including admin) have disappeared. Which table in the database holds the users (_links?) so I can see if theyre still there.

3 - This is not a gallery problem but thought someone might have come across this - phpMyAdmin doesnt show the text of the entries, it just shows [BLOB] so I actually cant see entry text to see if its correct, anyone know how to fix this???

Thanks for any help


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Posted Jan 19, 2006 - 10:29 AM:

1.11 is a very old version. 2.24 is the current version.

The debug output of a thumbnail doesn't hint at anything: www.dpalbums.lv/lat/thumbna...80&thumbheight=180&debug=1
But I'm not sure the debug output way back then was designed to list much for thumbs.

It looks like somehow changing the size makes it stop working. Checked your file path to your attachments directory? There's no other suggestion I can make with a version that old.

2 - You've probably got your gallery url set to be your old location's url, or the file path as the old server's file path. In recent versions you could change that in config.php but you'd have to find dirurl and uploadpath in the wsngallery_settings table in your version.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jan 19, 2006

Total Topics: 7
Total Comments: 18
Posted Jan 29, 2006 - 4:55 PM:

Thanks for your reply - it was actually the host who had uploaded an old cached version of the site with half of the pics missing!
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