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How to stop guest

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Usergroup: Customer
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Posted Jan 26, 2006 - 3:52 PM:

Hi can anyone please tell me how to set option for guest not to click on link until he get registerd.I tried Manage Usergroups but it got onliny one option that is Can view site but it is not stopping him to click link i want Guest to see site but not click on any link thanks please if someone had this option enabled share with me thanks
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Posted Jan 27, 2006 - 7:15 PM:

As far as I know what you're asking for is not available in the administrator settings area.

The closest thing I found is the View Site [yes|no] setting. If you set it to NO in the Guest user group then guests will simply see a login screen until they are registered.

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Posted Jan 28, 2006 - 7:48 AM:

Yes Zippo you are right there is no option like this in admin panel but we can add this option but i am not sure how to do it but i am sure someone has done it so maybe we can get help on it .
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Posted Jan 28, 2006 - 4:53 PM:


My site has it at www.freewebbargains.com , it was custom coded by Barry Kilby, his email is barry@barrykilby.co.uk

He can get it sorted for you, and I doubt it would cost much at all smiling face


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Posted Jan 29, 2006 - 1:34 AM:

You could just put a conditional around the link, though that wouldn't be high security.
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Posted Jan 29, 2006 - 9:26 PM:

Could it be something with the static html page generation?

IE: a guest set of generated pages have simply underlined & colored text instead of the actual <href..> tags.
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