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Two accounts from one computer ?
Is this possible ?

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Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 27, 2005
Location: Czech Republic

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Posted Nov 18, 2005 - 2:30 PM:

Hallo Paul,

I am registered in WSNlinks as Admin. After logout I try register as new member, but this sentence appear at the page register.php : You've already registered, you can't register two accounts.

Is any way how register two accounts for one PC for two different members ? Is that related to IP adress PC ?

I use IE 6, multilingual version.


Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Nov 19, 2005 - 4:36 PM:

It uses a cookie to protect it. Delete the cookie (I think it's 'testcookie') or simply use a different browser to register.

Also, I believe I changed it already so that if you stay logged in as admin you can register another account with no problem.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 27, 2005
Location: Czech Republic

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Posted Nov 20, 2005 - 9:33 AM:


I think different thing. If anybody use WSNlinks on one computer with one (the same) browser - for example in school or Net Caffe. So more members there is with one computer with one browser.

When I shorten default duration cookies in admin panel for example to 20 minutes, is it way for this problem?


Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Nov 21, 2005 - 11:08 PM:

I'll just make it an admin panel option in 3.3.2. For now remove
if ($_COOKIE['testcookie'] == 'registered' && !$thismember->isadmin()) { $incomplete = true; $incompletelang = $language->register_alreadyhave; }
from register.php.
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