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Cannot create sub categories
Also edit categories throws fatal erros

Comments on Cannot create sub categories

Internet Evangelist

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Posted Oct 22, 2005 - 2:05 AM:


I am using v3.3.0, the latest one available for download.

When i create new categories, it also gives me the ONLY opton of creating top level categories. Cannot create sub-categories from Add New link.

Also, i though by editing the category, i might be able to make it as a sub category, but when i click on edit categories link, i get the following fatal errors...

Fatal error: Call to undefined function cattypeoptions() in /home/raj/public_html/classes/category.php on line 886

Need help in resolving this.


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Posted Oct 22, 2005 - 10:48 AM:


I'm also getting this error. Put it under bug reports lastnight but haven't heard back yet.

I was also going to report the edit categories bit, but wanted to get the above one sorted first as i thought it might be related.


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Posted Oct 23, 2005 - 2:47 PM:

I get no undefined function... that probably means you didn't overwrite all the files. I do get mysql warnings for adding a subcategory (not top level), but it adds correctly anyway.

When i create new categories, it also gives me the ONLY opton of creating top level categories.

Uh, presumably that's just a matter of your switches set to not have the category selector but you can certainly go to a category to submit a subcategory to it anyway.
Internet Evangelist

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Posted Oct 26, 2005 - 4:48 AM:

I get no undefined function... that probably means you didn't overwrite all the files. I do get mysql warnings for adding a subcategory (not top level), but it adds correctly anyway.

It was actually a fresh upload and it was a new server also..there were no pre-existing files of any older version. So If i just upload the category.php again, you mean it should work fine ???

I never changed the switches thingy...anyways...let me check and see, if I can change the switch and if it lets me select it as sub-category and not top level.
Internet Evangelist

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Posted Oct 26, 2005 - 9:55 AM:

I uploaded the category.php again..however edit category link is still not working ??

Any help ?!


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Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Oct 28, 2005 - 12:32 AM:

Category editing works perfectly. You will have to determine and explain what's special about the categories you're trying to edit.

Unless you're referencing the admin panel version, which was covered in bug reports a few days ago.
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