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Static File Generation
Small Problem

Comments on Static File Generation


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Joined: Jul 11, 2005
Location: South Yorkshire, UK

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Posted Sep 28, 2005 - 4:59 AM:

I've just setup a brand new site using the very latest version of WSN Links. All I've done so far is to edit a few templates and add some brand new top-level categories.

To help reduce server load I've created two new templates and then created static versions of these pages using the static file generation feature and then include the static versions in my index page.

All works fine and as expected when I complete the form in the admin panel and then click save. The static pages are updated and the includes work fine. However - when the static files are regenrated automatically (when I revisit the page after the 12 hours has passed) they are blank and show as 0KB. The actual content of the generated pages is:


If I then go back into the admin panel and click save on the form again, the static pages are generated OK again.

Your help would be appreciated.


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Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Sep 29, 2005 - 8:16 AM:

Confirmed, patched version will be uploaded later today at which point you can overwrite commonfuncs.php.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: May 14, 2004

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Posted Oct 12, 2005 - 10:02 AM:


I am new to this application and I am experiencing some difficulties when I try to generate HTML pages.

1) I use "Use subdirectories = yes", the subdirectories are created in /htmloutput but the directories (and subdirectories) and subdirectories are empty, the index.html pages are not created, what can I do about it?
2) What is the "prefix" in: "Absolute URL prefix (will prepend all links to cats, links, comments, index... needed if using subdirectories)" ? Is it the same than absolute URL?
3) About custom template, should I create a "custom" directory under template directory? Do I input the path to that custom directory, the relative or absolute URL to it? in the fields after Wrapper, Main index, etc. What files do I need to edit?
4) I would like to create and run my directory as a static one how can I generate the HTML in the root directory? Is it possible?

I am sure that mine are basic questions I just did not find the answer after searching for them. Thank you for your help.

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Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Oct 14, 2005 - 12:16 AM:

I'm not seeing how this relates to the bug.

1) Probably a matter of some other setting, like your not having told it to name files index.html.
2) The prefix determines what all the links in the page are to. Instead of linking to cat5.html, it can go do site.com/blah/cat5.html
3) No, you should put custom templates in the 'custom' subdirectory of an actual template set that you're using. /templates/ is not a template set, it's the directory that contains template sets and styles.
4) Possible but not recommended due to the features it destroys and the server load it creates at generation time. Simply specify the path in the settings page, it defaults to admin/htmloutput.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: May 14, 2004

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Posted Oct 14, 2005 - 12:38 PM:


I posted this thread here because it relate to HTML generation.
I did install the older version of WSN links (3.16) and it is working fine, I can create directories and files. The same setting do not work for version 3.2.7, the directories are created but the files are not (none of them either index.htm or cat?.htm)

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: May 14, 2004

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Posted Oct 17, 2005 - 9:16 PM:


I did find out where is the problem coming from. When I turn ON the "Distribute load" option the files are not created. If I turn that option OFF the files are created.

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