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Mambo Integration...
Need Help With Mambo Integration...

Comments on Mambo Integration...


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Posted Sep 26, 2005 - 11:48 AM:


I recently purchased wsnlinks, but before this I was using Mambo(Joomla). I really love Mambo(Joomla!), but its weblink feature is really amateurish...

So now that I've purchased wsn, I'd love to take advantage of the integration option, but I have no idea how to go about it.

I already installed wsnlinks and Mambo(Joomla) in the same mysql database, but not sure what the next step is. I did check out the integration generator, and there seems to be a bunch of mambo(Joomla) tables in the drop down list. (Ex.Mos_users, Mos_weblinks, Mos_banner)...Do I need to integrate each and every one of the Mambo tables? If not, what exactly am I to do? I also went to the users section to add the mambo via the Member system integration thingy, but nothing seems to have happened there either.

Also, in the mambo.php file, what exactly goes there?

$memberstable = 'mos_users';
$newusergroup = 'gid';
$newname = 'username';

Sorry but I've been trying to figure this out on my own for about three days now and I have yet to figure out how to get it to work...

If someone would be kind (and patient) enough to lend a helping hand to a novice like myself, I'd really really REALLY appreciate it. Mambo(Joomla) has the extra features that I need, so I can't just use wsnlinks alone.

BTW, has anybody ever got the two to work together? If so, can I please see a demonstration?

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Posted Sep 26, 2005 - 1:17 PM:

There is a built in Mambo/Joomla component called "Bookmarks" available at http://mamboforge.net/projects/bookmarks/ (or www.tegdesign.ch , the developer's site) that is way better than the built in "weblinks" component. While isn't quite as "feature rich" as wsnlinks, it is completely integrated into mambo/joomla and has hundreds of parameters to adjust.

I've struggled with the mambo integration that comes with wsnlinks, and it doesn't work "out of the box"...

Good luck with whatever you decide on!


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Posted Sep 27, 2005 - 8:34 AM:

Hey John,

Thanks for the reply. I seriously did not know about bookmarks until now. And it looks like a really good component, except for the alphabetical order thing on the top...

Regardless, I really like wsn and it has all the features I need. For example, I've always wanted to represent each category with an image, and I was able to do that by utilizing the {CATID} variable. So I think I'm gonna stick with WSN for now since I already added thousands of links and removed Mambo/Joomla...

The lack of response to my post proves my point, which is that the integration feature is completely useless. I've spend days trying to get this thing to work. And although I'm not a programmer, I'm still able to follow directions and use my head to get things done.


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Posted Sep 28, 2005 - 7:19 AM:

That you can't integrate doesn't make the integration feature "completely useless" to the hundreds of people who are integrating various scripts, obviously.

The mambo integration used to work for people -- hence how it was created without my ever using mambo -- but could easily be out of date.

Click 'integration generator' in your admin panel, go through the process, and post what you get.

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Posted Sep 28, 2005 - 8:10 AM:

Once again, *I* find it to be completely useless. And being that it may be out-of-date is another indication that it's completely useless. I don't know about the other scripts because I am not looking to utilize them.

I've been trying to figure it out for 3 long days (many hours in front of this computer) and have had no luck whatsoever.

And like I said earlier, when I go through the integration generator, there seems to be a bunch of mambo tables in the drop down list. I don't know whether to integrate them all or what...But when I tried to do that, they all ended up in the integration folder...So now I wonder what to do with the mambo.php file...

Wish I could post something here but I have no idea what's going on to even consider posting...


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Posted Sep 29, 2005 - 10:26 AM:

If you can't even figure out what mambo's members table is, then I'm sure you won't have a chance figuring out their cookie format or which fields do what, though of course you could ask them these things if you wanted.

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Posted Sep 29, 2005 - 11:08 AM:

Little did you know, not all of us are programmers. If I was, I wouldn't be buying your script, or having to worry about some annoying integration generator or half-written-how-to-manual.

BTW, I guess you failed to read John's reply, but he says he's a programmer, yet have issues with mambo integration as well...So I dunno...rolling eyes

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Posted Oct 03, 2005 - 12:08 PM:

Last I checked, there'e no programming involved in reading your computer screen and determining which combinations of letters mean what. Being the world's greatest programmer, obviously, has no impact on the ability to make educated guesses at what something is based on its name.

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Posted Oct 03, 2005 - 2:28 PM:

Oh Paul, don't be so unfair! How exactly does one make an 'educated guess' on such sloppy mess? You're being a little unfair here, aintcha? I made my educated guess a while ago, which is that you're a foolish little boy who need to understand the power of customer support when it comes to selling your script. Not sure who you're used to dealing with, but this chick won't be tolerating your nasty and belligerent attitude.

I suggest you remove that stick out of your ass so you can better understand your priorities. The time and energy spent talking down to customers can be used for other purposes, such as improving your script.

One thing I look for when purchasing a script is good support, and that's something you obviously don't have. I don't have time to sit here and argue with some uptight, miserable, and fustrated (perhaps sexually?) programmer. And since I need a script I can use consistently with at least average support(you don't even have that, shame...), I need you to give me my fucking money back. Refund me my damn 30 bucks A.S.A.P....

Your script to me is like a cute guy with an empty head. It's nice and 'feature packed', but what you can do with it is limited. Useless...shocked

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#10 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Oct 05, 2005 - 12:19 PM:

Yeah, it should be my duty to custom-create any random complex new feature you want that relies on a script I've never used on the spot. The world revolves around you, failure to anticipate whatever obscure thing you need and do it in advance is the world's fault. (Though that said, of course, mambo worked for the people who actually made the mambo integration.) Now, get lost.
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