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Suggest Link Rejection
Not hard deleting

Comments on Suggest Link Rejection

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Posted Sep 05, 2005 - 4:29 PM:

I discovered the problem with the link rejection in validate items section. When you reject a submission it doesn't hard delete it. so it adds to the count of links in the database. So what I have had to do is reject the link then go to the category that link was submitted too and choose undeleted deleted links and then hard delete the submission. How can I have it to where when I reject a submission I would like for it to hard delete from the database. I hope you understand all of this.

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Posted Sep 05, 2005 - 5:56 PM:

I on the latest version 3.25 and updates to 09-03-2005. Just not hard deleting links when you reject them from the validate items section. By doing this it adds to the link count when you reject the link because it put in the deleted links section where you can recover deleted links. I would like for it to hard delete links when I reject them.


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Posted Sep 06, 2005 - 8:28 PM:

Hard vs. soft deletion has nothing to do with link counts (nor is anything added in the processes of soft-deleting something, it's simply a field value change), which is no doubt why my link count doesn't increase when I reject a pending link.

You need to describe exactly what process you're doing, since simply rejecting a link isn't helping to reproduce what I think (but could be misinterpreting) you're describing seeing.
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Posted Sep 06, 2005 - 9:44 PM:

When someone submits a link(I validate submissions before going into the directory) and then it goes into validate items for approval. When I reject the link it rejects it but doesn't delete it out of the database it's still there in the undeleted links so after rejecting the site then I have to go to that category the submission was made and undelete the link and then edit the link to hard delete it. So when I rejected a link it puts it in the undeleted links and when you do a regenerate counters it adds the ones you rejected into the link count. That's is exactly what I am doing. Want I would like for it to do is in the validate items section when I reject items they are hard deleted from the database.


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Posted Sep 07, 2005 - 4:12 PM:

It's not supposed to disappear from the database in 3.2x, so that is working properly (sure I may make it automatically hard-delete after a 1 day delay or the like at some point, but there's really no significant purpose), and again that has nothing at all to do with link counts. Soft-deleted links are never counted in links counts, of course, as it wouldn't make any sense to count them -- but more importantly, you're talking about a link here that never counted because it wasn't validated in the first place. A link is not part of the link count if it hasn't been validated, naturally, so it would be wholly inappropriate for the link count to decriment when removing a link that was never part of the link count.

Here's what I've been doing every time you post this. Please try it:
1. As I start the main page of the directory states I have 733 links in the directory.
2. As a guest I go to the first category and suggest a new link. It says the link has been sent and is pending approval.
3. Going back to the main page, it says I have 733 links in the directory still.
4. I login as admin and go to the admin panel.
5. I check the box next to the link I'd suggested, select 'reject' and click 'Go'.
6. It says the item has been rejected, and no longer lists it.
7. I go back to the main page again and it says "733 links" -- again -- exactly as it should.

I just did this while writing the post, not for the first time. Please follow the same process or point out what you're doing different.
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Posted Sep 07, 2005 - 8:52 PM:

It not substracting a link it is adding a link on rejections and only does it when you regenerate counters after rejecting links. That's when the count changes and adds a link to the count. But that's ok I figured how to get them to hard delete when I reject the item out of the validate items. Everything working correctly now.


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Posted Sep 09, 2005 - 7:24 PM:

Okay, thanks for finally including the regenerate counters step, which was the only one that really related to the issue at all. It's not an issue of link rejections, that's just incidental... the issue is that regenerating counters counts all deleted links as part of the total, regardless of how they became deleted. Fixed.
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