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Main Admin time out
All admin works except Main - I get a time out

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Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Mar 01, 2003
Location: San Diego

Total Topics: 12
Total Comments: 31
Posted Aug 24, 2005 - 6:09 PM:

I can get into all my admin areas except the Main admin page. It has been working fine for many months. Now I get the following error message:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/httpd/vhosts/sdrox.com/httpdocs/San_Diego/classes/database.php on line 171

Any idea what the problem might be and how to fix this?

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Aug 26, 2005 - 3:05 PM:

Could you have a really large number of items pending validation? As of 3.23 or so the list was limited to 30 at a time to prevent that (it may have been backported into 3.16 too but I don't remember for sure). In your version, you'd need to go in via phpmyadmin to deal with the presumably hundreds of items pending validation.

Edit: the manual also mentions searchlog.txt. Don't remember if that was in 3.12.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Mar 01, 2003
Location: San Diego

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Posted Aug 27, 2005 - 8:16 PM:

I can go to my Validate Items link in the admin panel. There was only one item pending (now deleted). I couldn't find items pending validation using phpmyadmin. I logged out of WSN Links and suggested a category, but I still could not find where this is with phpmyadmin. Appears that too many items pending validation is not the problem though.

Should I try to upgrade to the current version to see if the problem is corrected? Everything else seems to be working fine.

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

Total Topics: 61
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Posted Aug 28, 2005 - 4:09 PM:

If you can't get to it, isn't that a very strong indication that it is the problem? In phpmyadmin look for items with validated=0

Should I try to upgrade to the current version to see if the problem is corrected?

Well I always advise upgrades, but that doesn't mean it's necessary.
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