I am unable to get the mod_rewrite going. I keep getting "The requested page does not exist." error message. Everything works ok when I turn off mod-rewrite, but I can't get modrewrite working. The ULR looks good such as below, exccept I am getting the "The requested page does not exist." error message. www.giftbargainshop.com/l/S.../l/Shopping/Wedding_Favors
Yes, you did reply but your answer wan not at all helpful. I have read the limited help information already? I have tried everything that is suggested in your limited information. Forgive me if I am trying to get this software working.
Guess what Paul, I've got another program doing mod-rewrite just fine on the same host your software doesn't work. How do we get started on getting my money back for your software? Regards
It's an .htaccess file, and a very short and simple one at that, it is not "software." If you use your eyes, you could observe that the software part in the admin panel is for changing the links within the program to follow what the .htaccess allows, and that you have not reported any problem at all with. The only thing you're having problems with is your .htaccess file, which is a very simple file which is purely a host issue. Since you obviously aren't able to compare the .htaccess files yourself to see what special format your host requires that the other one is using, you have to ask your host, that being what hosts have support people for.
But since you don't want to, and I don't want to deal with your refusal to do so anymore, I've already sent a refund.
Comments on mod_rewrite
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I am unable to get the mod_rewrite going. I keep getting "The requested page does not exist." error message. Everything works ok when I turn off mod-rewrite, but I can't get modrewrite working.
The ULR looks good such as below, exccept I am getting the "The requested page does not exist." error message.
Please advise.
Forum Regular
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Did you rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess ? If not you should do that
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Of course, I have renamed it. That is not the problem.
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Replied via email. Please don't make me reply to things twice, it slows things down for everyone.
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Yes, you did reply but your answer wan not at all helpful. I have read the limited help information already? I have tried everything that is suggested in your limited information.
Forgive me if I am trying to get this software working.
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In that case you should ask your web host, as mod_rewrite is really a host issue.
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Guess what Paul, I've got another program doing mod-rewrite just fine on the same host your software doesn't work.
How do we get started on getting my money back for your software?
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
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It's an .htaccess file, and a very short and simple one at that, it is not "software."
But since you don't want to, and I don't want to deal with your refusal to do so anymore, I've already sent a refund.
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I have filled it out already, when will my card be credited?