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How would YOU choose to setup categories

Comments on How would YOU choose to setup categories


Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 18, 2004

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Posted Jul 25, 2005 - 9:50 PM:

This is a non-programming question. If anyone has a moment to read this, please offer any suggestions on how you would choose to setup your categories for a situation such as this.

Okay, guys, here's my delima, it's one that's been bothering me for quite some time, yet I have a feeling the solution is something very obvious that I'm just not seeing. It HAS to be obvious with all the various sites out there already having directories structured this way.

What I want to do is...

Create a directory site with it's listings being able to be browsed regionally, filtered/broken down by locality. A fine example of what I'd like to do can be seen at:


But actually, I'd like mine my to be browsed more like this:

Topic > Sub-Topic > State > Region > County > City



One easy way to do this is to create top-level categories as topic names (naturally), like any other directory, like:

- Autos - Business
- Real Estate - Doctors


THEN the sub-categories would be the locality names. But BOY OH BOY that would be HUGE - a royal nightmare, both for creating the database (it'd take days to create all those subcategories), and for people posting listings. Its totally inefficient that way, obviously. So HOW then? Should I create everything the obvious way, then make a special script for the purpose of browsing that would break things down to the city level based on fields?

Any ideas?

Thank you!



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Posted Jul 26, 2005 - 2:21 AM:

If it were me I'd probably add fields for state, country, city and then use filters or searches for displaying by that. But that's because I'm lazy.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 18, 2004

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Posted Jul 26, 2005 - 2:52 AM:

I don't think either of us are "lazy", we just don't have the time for something like that.

SO, lemme ask ya - is there way to add categories in BULK? Have I over looked this function?

- Steve

(I see you keep similar hours - a fellow night owl, eh? lol)

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Aug 18, 2004

Total Topics: 4
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Posted Jul 26, 2005 - 8:43 AM:

Oops! Nevermind - I just came across scripts.webmastersite.net/w...nks/wsnmanual/articles/175

(of which, I HAVE used that technique before, so I should've already known - musta been tired, I suppose)

- Steve

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