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3.20 Release

Comments on 3.20 Release


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Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Jul 18, 2005 - 3:12 PM:

3.20 was released a few minutes ago. If anybody wants a template comparison file for beta 1 or beta 2 vs. final, I'd post it in this thread but you'll have to send me a copy of the template set from the beta since it seems I've already deleted both betas. Of course you can also make such a comparison yourself with examdiff instead of having me run it through kompare.

The most noteable addition since beta 2 (though there were other changes) is the integration generation, which I hope will stop people from asking me to make integration files for them.
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Posted Jul 20, 2005 - 7:48 AM:

So if I wanted to upgrade to 3.20, could I start off by using all my old templates from 3.16 and then take my time adding the features that I want from the new templates into the old?


Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Jul 20, 2005 - 10:12 AM:

If you use file downloads anywhere, it's not that simple as the method for handling downloads changed.

The template comparison between 3.16 and 3.20 [final] is included in the download, templatechanges-english.diff and templatechanges-multilingual.diff.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Jul 15, 2005

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Posted Jul 21, 2005 - 8:10 AM:

Do we need to run the update script if updating from 3.20 beta 2 or can I just overwrite the old files?

Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Jul 21, 2005 - 11:11 AM:

Run the upgrade as well.
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