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Using Absolute URLs
Is there a way to stop redirects?

Comments on Using Absolute URLs


Usergroup: Member
Joined: May 29, 2005

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Posted Jun 10, 2005 - 9:15 PM:

Hi there everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone knew how to stop the "Page does not exist" redirects when not directing to an absolute URL. For example, I would like to link to http://domain.com/folder/ instead of http://domain.com/folder/index.html.

The only reason why I ask this is because I have a script that I am also using on my site that produces links in the non-absolute way, and I don't think I can change it.

Thanks in advance! smiling face

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Posted Jun 11, 2005 - 1:59 PM:

I can't figure out what you mean. What url are you getting a 404 on? And how can it be possible for a URL not be acessible absolutely, when every browser accesses it with an absolute url?

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Posted Jun 11, 2005 - 6:42 PM:

Hi Paul,

I have a script other than WSNLinks on my website. This script creates pages using folders (a.k.a., http://domain.com/folder/). So if I try to link to this, or bring the page up in my browser, or click a link in the navigation of the website - it will not bring me to the page. It brings me to the WSNLinks "Page does not exist" page. However, I know that page exists - and if I add the extension on to the url (a.k.a., http://domain.com/folder/index.html) it will bring me to the correct page.

The only reason why this is a problem is because the other script that I am running only creates pages without the page extension. So whenever I click on a link to go to the other script/pages in the website, it gives me the 404 instead of the page itself.

I looked through the redirect settings, and there wasn't an option to turn off the 404 pages. I was wondering if there might be some other way around this.

Thanks in advance for your time and patience,

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Posted Jun 12, 2005 - 12:35 PM:

Do you mean you're using mod_rewrite and this other script is in a subdirectory of WSN Links? See the mod_rewrite manual entry.

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Posted Jun 12, 2005 - 2:16 PM:

Hi Paul,

Thank you so much. I didn't have mod_rewrite on, but it was the .htaccess file that was causing the problems - even though the setting was not activated in the admin panel.

For anyone who needs this, the answer can be found on the old forum: www.webmastersite.net/oldfo...s/index.php?showtopic=3533

But my resolve was to just erase and do away with the .htaccess file altogether. But the post above will show you how to modify the .htaccess file if you only have a few folders that you need to include (which there were too many to add in my case).

Thanks Paul and everyone,
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