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internal server error 500
on category pages

Comments on internal server error 500


Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
Posted May 27, 2005 - 4:54 PM:

Well, before spending the money on dedicated, I'd suggest Spenix. They hosted a large/active discussion forum of mine with no complaints (until my disk space ran out and I stupidly failed to realize it was because I hadn't been deleting huge stat logs, and I went on to another shared host that shortly kicked me off for CPU usage... it was hopefully the stupidest hosting switch I'll ever make). So they certainly don't have any total queries restrictions, I'm sure I would've broken any.

Still have this site hosted with them, more reliable than any other host I've come acoss.
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