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linkdate, linkexpire and hide
Link not hiding after expiration

Comments on linkdate, linkexpire and hide


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Posted May 17, 2005 - 11:04 AM:

I've tested the linkexpire and hide option a couple of days yet, but it doesn't seem to work. sad

The {LINKEXPIREDAYS} field of the links who should be expired show negative numbers (ex. -0,024 and still counting), but aren't hidden in the directory. The link "show hidden links" in admin panel shows 0 results.

Setting the links manually to "hide" works well.

Also, when I add a new link, the {LINKDATE} shows the date of tomorrow?

I checked the server date/time, and they're fine...
The main page of the admin panel shows also the right date ("The directory was last updated ...")

Using version 3.15 (04/20/05)

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Posted May 17, 2005 - 1:21 PM:

Also, when I add a new link, the {LINKDATE} shows the date of tomorrow?

Note that this only occurs when the admin suggests a link. After logging out as admin, the date is set to normal (date of today). I can't figure out why.(??)

I've done a complete re-installation and used the backup for my links, but the expire-problem is still there...

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Posted May 18, 2005 - 1:22 PM:

Comma decimals seem to cause various arithmetic problems for those who use them. I haven't figured out yet why or exactly where.

After logging out as admin, the date is set to normal (date of today). I can't figure out why.(??)

That would no doubt be a matter of the timezone you've selected in your profile.

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Posted May 18, 2005 - 3:33 PM:

Paul wrote:
Comma decimals seem to cause various arithmetic problems for those who use them.

Sorry, I wrote a comma in my post instead of a point. The directory uses a point.

What would be the number in this field at the moment the script set the link to hidden? Or is this a timed process? Are the negative numbers normal?

I've installed the script on my computer through XAMPP, but this showed the same problem. When I submit a link with {LINKEXPIREDAYS} set to 0.003 and wait a couple of minutes, it's counting to negative. But the link isn't hidden...

{LINKEXPIRE} shows a 10 digits long number, that never changes during the day. Is this normal? I'm trying to understand the process...

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Posted May 19, 2005 - 6:16 AM:

On test, I'm getting a negative number as well. The hiding mechanism, however, executes once every 24 hours. Have you waited that long?

Having it execute all the time would cause an unwanted load increase. Might move it to every hour though so that setting a partial day can be somewhat useful.

{LINKEXPIRE} shows a 10 digits long number, that never changes during the day.

That's simply the unix timestamp of when it's supposed to expire, it's just the direct value of the field and not a template variable you're supposed to use anywhere. The days left is calculated dynamically based on comparing that value to the current time.

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: May 17, 2005

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Posted May 20, 2005 - 1:51 PM:

Paul wrote:
The hiding mechanism, however, executes once every 24 hours.

You're right! I was to impatient...

Thanks for the support.
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