A new link has been added at {DIRURL} . You have requested notification of this in your member profile, which you can edit at {DIRURL}/edit.php?action=member&field=id&condition=equals&fieldvalue={MEMBERID}
The new link is titled {LINKTITLE}, and it has been added to the category {LINKCATNAME}, which you can find at {DIRURL}/index.php?action=displaycat&catid={LINKCATID}
This is the description of the link: {LINKDESCRIPTION}
Comments on mod-rewrite in email templates
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Sep 25, 2003
Location: Canada
Total Topics: 22
Total Comments: 48
I have just upgrade to paid version 3.15. I have installed the paid version, but kept all my templates.
Everything went fine. I am using the mod-rewrit urls. The categories are in the url as /Arts_and_Entertainment/Music/Artists
I would prefer to have them in lower case as /arts_and_entertainment/music/artists is this possible while still showing uppercase on the page?
I would like to correct the url sent to the submitter when the link is approved. Submitter receives email as:
'Your link, has been approved and added to the Directory. You can view your site live in the directory at www.mysite.com/index.php?ac...action=displaycat&catid=45'
I would like to modyify this to be
'Your link, has been approved and added to the Cdnroots.com Directory. You can view your site live in the directory at www.mysite.com/arts_and_ent...ntertainment/music/artists'
I have checked the category variables and have tried to use:
This returns the url like this http://www.mysite.com/cat64.htm
Is there a variable I can use in the email template to get the url with the category path?
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
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{CATREWRITEPATH} should do it.
Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Sep 25, 2003
Location: Canada
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Thanks Paul that worked fine, but now I have another problem, when a link is added I receive email
"You have requested notification of this in your member profile, which you can edit at www.cdnroots.com/edit.php?f...d&condition==&fieldvalue=2"
When the link is clicked I get message "Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/cdnroots/public_html/edit.php on line 1147 "
when I open edit.php is shows line 1147 as:
$template->replace('{SWITCH_PM}', $value);
I am using this in the outgoing email template {DIRURL}/edit.php?field=id&condition==&fieldvalue={MEMBERID}
Is there a variabable to change this to a static url such as http://www.cdnroots.com/membersedit/2
If not could you help me with a mod-rewrite to add to the .htaccess
Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California
Total Topics: 61
Total Comments: 7868
Old language. Current language item is
A new link has been added at {DIRURL} . You have requested notification of this in your member profile, which you can edit at {DIRURL}/edit.php?action=member&field=id&condition=equals&fieldvalue={MEMBERID}
The new link is titled {LINKTITLE}, and it has been added to the category {LINKCATNAME}, which you can find at {DIRURL}/index.php?action=displaycat&catid={LINKCATID}
This is the description of the link: {LINKDESCRIPTION}
Is there a variabable to change this to a static url such as http://www.cdnroots.com/membersedit/2[/i]
Of course not, it's a url that'd never be accesed by a search engine or link from another site.