I have successfully implemented rss into my wsnlink directory. However, i noticed other blogging sites use Atom feeds as well. Can Atom Feed be added into the feature suggestion list?
I hadn't looked at Atom feeds, though some of the programs I run across syndicate or aggregate them and I was thinking about building a atom.php off of the rss.php for my use.
<issued>2004-09-26T09:07:29-07:00</issued> <modified>2004-09-27T11:10:29Z</modified> <created>2004-09-26T16:10:27Z</created> <link href="http://grackelfish.com/news/2004/09/site-mysql-down.php" rel="alternate" title="Site mySQL down" type="text/html"/> <id>tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-7742981.post-109621502786076506</id> <title mode="escaped" type="text/html">Site mySQL down</title> <content type="application/xhtml+xml" xml:base="http://grackelfish.com/news/index.php" xml:space="preserve"> <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">The main site was down for a period of time today. There is a problem with the mySQL database.</div> </content> </entry>
Still probrably not enough information to work off of, but enough to see it is a little more complicated than the rss. I really didn't even get into the discovery phase of my own atom.php project. Which is sad because one of my WSNlinks is devoted to newsfeeds, ezines newsletters.
Comments on Atom Feeds
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I have successfully implemented rss into my wsnlink directory. However, i noticed other blogging sites use Atom feeds as well. Can Atom Feed be added into the feature suggestion list?
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Can you find me a useful description of what syntax or whatever these atom feeds involve? I suppose it's probably another sort of XML.
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Sorry Paul.
I have totally no idea how the syntax is composed. I guess it is another type of xml also.
By the way, how can i convert rssfeed.php to xml type? Or there is no option for that?
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from atompub.org/2004/10/20/draf...etf-atompub-format-03.html
I hadn't looked at Atom feeds, though some of the programs I run across syndicate or aggregate them and I was thinking about building a atom.php off of the rss.php for my use.
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What in the world is vemmi://example.org/2003/32397 ? And there's no description field?
how can i convert rssfeed.php to xml type?
I don't have any idea what you mean by converting to xml type.
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feh, sorry, that was a bad example. I snagged it without looking at it very much. here is an <entry> from one of my blogger's.
Still probrably not enough information to work off of, but enough to see it is a little more complicated than the rss. I really didn't even get into the discovery phase of my own atom.php project. Which is sad because one of my WSNlinks is devoted to newsfeeds, ezines newsletters.
http://www.atomenabled.org/ this is the official ATOM development site