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Mail function
Smtp Server Alteration

Comments on Mail function


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Joined: Mar 01, 2005
Location: budapest

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Posted Mar 01, 2005 - 8:40 PM:


My hosting server does not let me send emails through mail function

How is it possible to send emails using an external Smtp_server?

I found this on the net but i am not sure how to integrate it into the WSN links.

please let me know what if it is possible

//$name : sender's name
//$html : 1 is text/html or 0 is text/plain
//$charser : your charset
function sendmail($name, $from, $to, $subject, $body, $html, $charset ) {
$smtp_server = "smtp.yourip.com"; //enter your smtp server here
$smtp_user = "yourusername"; //enter your smtp username here

if (!$smtp_sock = fsockopen("$smtp_server", 25)) {
die ("Couldn't open mail connection to $smtp_server! n");

fputs($smtp_sock, "HELO $smtp_servern");
fputs($smtp_sock, "VRFY $stmp_usern");
fputs($smtp_sock, "MAIL FROM:$fromn");
fputs($smtp_sock, "RCPT TO:$ton");
fputs($smtp_sock, "DATAn");
fputs($smtp_sock, "From: $name<$from>n");
fputs($smtp_sock, "X-Mailer: miplusn");
if ($html)
fputs($smtp_sock, "Content-Type: text/html;");
fputs($smtp_sock, "Content-Type: text/plain;");
fputs($smtp_sock, "charset=$charsern");
fputs($smtp_sock, "MIME-Version: 1.0n");
fputs($smtp_sock, "Subject: $subjectn");
fputs($smtp_sock, "To: $ton");
fputs($smtp_sock, "$body");
fputs($smtp_sock, "n.nQUITn");

$name = "any name";
$from = "anyname@anyeamil.com";
$to = "anyname@anyeamil.com";
$subject = "test mail";
$body = "<font color=red>this is test mail</font>";

sendmail($name, $from, $to, $subject, $body, 1, "UTF-8");


Usergroup: Member
Joined: Mar 01, 2005
Location: budapest

Total Topics: 2
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Posted Mar 21, 2005 - 6:27 PM:

What is this forum for, if there is no reply at all?

not even saying "we don't know" or "we don't have time for that" etc.......


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Joined: Dec 20, 2001
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Posted Mar 22, 2005 - 1:22 PM:

This forum is very clearly labeled as a self-help forum. You get what you pay for, and you haven't paid anything. Also code alterations would violate the terms of service of the basic edition. Anyhow, there is no supported SMTP method though what you posted should be integratable into the sendemail function.
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