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<previous> & <next> in wsnlinks

Comments on <previous> & <next> in wsnlinks

Forum Regular

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Posted Jan 04, 2005 - 1:17 PM:

I'm using the following code in details.tpl:


Theoretically this should work perfectly as this is exactly the same as the default code in WSN Gallery details.tpl, only the IMAGECATID has been replaced by LINKCATID.

Steps to reproduce error 1:
1. Click on the first link in a category. (shows ok)
2. Click on Next.
3. Click on Previous.
4. Now the Previous button is active for the first link.
5. Click on Previous
6. It gives errors and shows a non-existant link.

Steps to reproduce error 2:
1. Click on the first link in a category. (shows ok)
2. Click on Next.
3. Keep clicking on next till the last link in the list.
4. Next is still shown. You can keep clicking on it. It stays with the same link and never disappears.

Will e-mail site example.
Forum Regular

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Posted Jan 04, 2005 - 1:18 PM:

If you have a fix for this one, could you post the PHP code I need to change? (as there's no 3.14 likely anytime soon and I'd like to use this)
Forum Regular

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Posted Mar 13, 2005 - 12:12 PM:

While testing:
Not quite fixed it seems. When viewing the last item in a category there's still a "Next" button pointing to a non-existant item. Luckily it doesn't work, because if you click on it, the current item (the last item) is simply refreshed.

5 items. 0 - 4 works perfectly. However, when viewing #4, there's a "Next" link to #5.

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Posted Mar 19, 2005 - 8:33 AM:

Not for me.

Attached Files:

Usergroup: Administrator
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Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Mar 19, 2005 - 8:37 AM:

Hm, it seems to act differently when going to the details page directly versus going through them in order.
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