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Phpbb V. 3.0 coming soon...
How long does it take for a new integration script

Comments on Phpbb V. 3.0 coming soon...


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Posted Feb 24, 2005 - 9:48 AM:

Hi there,

Just noticed on the PhpBB website that their new version 3.0 (Codename: Olympus) will be released soon. I was wondering approximately how long it takes for an integration script to be worked up for each integratable program? They are saying that 3.0 is vastly different and most of their mods won't work with it, so I was curious about the integration aspect of it with WSN.

Does anyone know if it would be worth it to integrate with the current 2.X version now and try to upgrade the integration later? Or, is it a waste of time?



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Posted Feb 24, 2005 - 8:51 PM:

Just use phpmyadmin to read off the fields to see if there are any changes to the names of the ones used in the integration files, and read their forums to see if they changed password encoding or cookie names (there'd be lots of threads on it if they had). Then change anything that needs changing, if applicable (though my guess is that there probalby won't need to be anything changed).

There's no PHP integration, only mysql members table, so PHP changes to phpbb won't make any difference.

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Posted Jun 13, 2007 - 7:49 AM:

Just a quick note to ask if anyone has done phpbb3 integration yet. Hmm...that was more of a statement than a question...

Has anyone done phpbb3 integration yet? :-) :-)

I'm considering upgrading to phpbb3 RC1 (currently integrated with phpbb2) as it has several very attractive features and if I decide to do so I'll likely purchase an upgrade to WSN Links 4.0.x as well (using 3.0.x right now).

I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out, but thought I'd ask about it in case anyone has already gone through the process.

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Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Jun 14, 2007 - 1:05 AM:

As far as I know, the phpbb2 integration works with phpbb3. If not click "Integration Generator" in your admin panel and make the desired selections.
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