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Usergroup: Member
Joined: Jan 22, 2005

Total Topics: 3
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Posted Jan 23, 2005 - 11:45 AM:

Hi, i'd like to have more info (text or links to products and services like at business.com or microsoft small business directory) in the "details page" for sites listed in my wsn directory.

For now it is just a duplicate of what already appears on category and subcategory pages.

How could i manage to do that ? May be there is an option i did not see yet.
Could someone help ?

Thanks !

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Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Jan 27, 2005 - 2:18 AM:

Just add the new fields that you want and use the template variables appropriate for them as specified when you add them.

Usergroup: Member
Joined: Jan 22, 2005

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Posted Jan 28, 2005 - 11:41 PM:

Thanks for this answer paul. I will look into it...im not that much of a coder so i will have to figure ouot what are the fields that can be added easily so it look fine in the directory.

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Posted Feb 22, 2005 - 3:29 PM:

Make a new field called "price" in your admin panel.

This will automatically appear in the edit link template. Copy this and put it in the suggest link template.

Now edit a link and you'll see the price box. Type something in "$100.00"

Then in your details page put {LINKPRICE} somewhere, maybe below the description.

Now when you view the details of the link, you'll see the price.

You may want to do something like

<bPrice:</b> {LINKPRICE}<br>

Its real easy to do. And there isn't any coding!

Now here's another example. Make 3 new link fields (product1, product 2, and product 3)

On your details page put:
<IF {LINKPRODUCT1}>{LINKTITLE}'s first product: {LINKPRIDUCT1}<br></IF>
<IF {LINKPRODUCT2}>{LINKTITLE}'s first product: {LINKPRIDUCT2}<br></IF>
<IF {LINKPRODUCT3}>{LINKTITLE}'s first product: {LINKPRIDUCT3}<br></IF>

Now if they want to have products submitted with their link they can add them. And they will be displayed in the link details page. The <IF statements means that it will only display the persons product1 if there is a product1. These are bad examples, and my look dumb if you copy them line for line. But it gives you an idea of how you can custamize using custom fields.

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