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WSN AdUnblocker
Sep 14, 2015 pm30 4:23 PM

Most of my clients make most of their revenue from displaying advertising. With that in mind, I've been working on a new script called WSN AdUnblocker to help increase advertising revenues.

If like many of us you use an ad blocker to browse the web, you may have noticed some sites detect that and ask you to whitelist them to allow their ads to be displayed. If you're like me, you'll give that a try and leave them whitelisted as long as their ads aren't so aggressive that they make the site hard to use.

There's no completely generic way to detect and deal with ad blocking, because every web script works a bit different. Fortunately I've been able to simplify it to the point where it's very easy for anyone using WSN's advertising system.

For any other script it'll need a way to add jquery and jquery ui if not already present, then a way to add a line to the jquery document ready function and add a div around the ad, and then a specification of what pages to expect an ad on. This is likely too complicated to expect the average webmaster to work out on their own, but it's something I can
do as an affordable service.

So far I've got options to customize the language and to choose how often to re-prompt (either every page load if you don't want to allow freeloading or every X days if you want to be gentle with an occasional prod).

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