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Turn browser bookmarks into a web directory
Nov 27, 2018 pm30 12:58 PM

Here's something everybody can use. Grab a free copy of the latest WSN Links 10.3.15, use the new bookmarks importer tool at Admin -> Links -> Add Links, and viola: you've got your personal favorite web directory with all the searching and sorting features you could want. You can let WSN automatically prune dead links or convert them to wayback machine versions during import. Link descriptions (meta description), tags (meta keywords) and associated RSS feeds can be imported automatically. The category structure, of course, will mirror the structure of your bookmarks folders.

I've tested this mostly on Chrome bookmarks, but verified Firefox works too at least for simple cases. Not sure about other browsers. There may be people with more complex bookmark structures than me who will need to report bugs, but I've got several levels of folders with 482 links importing nicely.

This could be a good way to share your bookmarks with your friends too, even enable the social tools to let them comment.

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