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RSS Updates
Nov 08, 2015 pm30 6:34 PM (Edited )

Did a lot of work on RSS feeds today. A comments url is now included in listing feeds whenever the comments switch is on and the combine details and comments switch is off. Article and topic feeds from WSN Knowledge Base and WSN Forum now include content:encoded fields to syndicate the complete article text or topic message. Any listing that has a physical address now includes the georss point field with the coordinates. On the other end, I fixed a WSN Knowledge Base bug which was affecting display of article text from feed submissions.

In the process of this work, I stumbled across the website fulltextrssfeed.com. That site will take RSS feed which only contain introductory stubs about articles and will pull in the complete article text to create a much more useful feed. Of course, you can't just do that with any feed without running into copyright issues -- but it can make the process of syndicating content between your own websites a whole lot easier.

I've demoed these changes in the WSN Knowledge Base user demo by submitting this blog as a feed: http://demo.wsnforum.com/wsnkb/blog-feed/

Let me know if you have any creative ideas for making the feed-posting system even more powerful.

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