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New Templates
May 20, 2015 pm31 4:39 PM

Added two new templates: category tabular bit and category columns. These are for the subscriptions page for now, and are based on WSN Forum's forum listings bits. Provides much more info than the previous subscription template. May find other uses for tabular category display later.

Found an issue with non-latin URL rewriting of details pages and got that fixed.

Pondering whether to make bootstrap the default them in WSN 10. I fear it'd limit ease of customization, though I could try to visually integrate bootswatch.

Completed the guest saved listings, except for the import process after they register -- when they register they'll want their guest listings carried over. This should be fairly simple: insert a document ready javascript only when registered which checks localstorage. If present, it'll compile a comma-delimited list of guest saved ids to AJAX to the server side (which simply concatinates them with OR id=s to query the appropriate listings) and then destroys the localstorage["savedlistings"] variable.

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