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Link framesets, indented level selectors, geolocation issues and more
Dec 13, 2018 pm31 11:12 PM

Someone today found the indent -s in the category level selectors confusingly unexpected. On consideration, the indent only makes sense for non-level selectors. Thus I've added a separate option for level selector option html compared to non-level selector option html, and have removed {CATINDENT} from the level selector one. I've also removed the category selector denied permission option html setting, which was using optgroups for MSIE7 support... it makes more sense these days to simply automatically apply the disabled attribute to the options since all browsers since MSIE8 support it. Although it looks like the current behavior is to just not show what can't be used, anyway.

I've also been running into several people who feel that WSN Links is broken because they've activated the show links in frameset switch. This switch worked fine back in the day, but with most modern websites being HTTPS and most modern web browsers being increasingly strict about security, it seems that browsers will refuse to render many sites in a frameset due to security policies on mixed content. To dissuade people from thoughtlessly using the switch, I've just moved it to the advanced options page.

Came upon a series of geolocation problems earlier this week. First there was an error that was making sites appear dead to unregistered guests when facebook connect was enabled but the new version of maxmind geolocation wasn't downloaded yet. Then there was a corrupted maxmind database download on one of my sites that was taking the site offline (a problem which is likely more frequent now because the new maxmind files are about 50 MB instead of 10 MB) -- I've fixed that by making it delete the file when the database can't be read.

My next major task will be an overhaul of the calendar system to add location and mapping and RSVP caps to events. This will probably lead to a new script WSN Group which will be optimized for group collaboration and meetups. I'm also giving thought to starting a 10.4 series soon in order to stabilize 10.3 so everyone can enjoy the features of it (10.4 would be free to people who've purchased 10.3 access, of course).

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