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Google Maps Key Requirement
Jul 07, 2016 pm31 1:40 PM

Since June 22nd, Google has begun requiring an API key in order to use google maps on your website. Without the key, you see an "Oops! Something went wrong." notice instead of the map. This affects anyone using WSN's maps features on a new website. Pre-existing websites are exempted from this requirement, at least for the moment, as google doesn't wish to break the entire internet -- but they warn that the quality of service will be lower for the legacy keyless sites and recommend getting a key.

This unfortunately means WSN will no longer be able to automatically display maps reliably without asking you to manually generate a key via google's process. Today's latest releases 9.2.61 and 10.0.11 prompt you to get a key whenever you update the switches page and have the maps switch turned on (and don't have a key saved yet). Sorry for the inconvenience, but it's google's fault.

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